How much does it cost to process billboards in Yangpu District?

1、How much does it cost to settle in Shanghai Dianping?
1. Dianping merchant entry fees vary by industry and region. For example, in Shanghai, the entry fee for the nail art industry is about 15,000 yuan, while the cost for the training industry is about 25,000 yuan.
2. The group order commission that merchants need to pay also varies depending on the industry. The commissions in the catering industry are relatively high, and the commissions in nail art and other industries are also considerable. I heard before that the commissions in the nail art industry are as high as 15%.
3. In addition, merchants also need to pay click promotion fees. This item may be the most expensive, because even if you pay the annual fee, without the investment of promotion fees, the effect may not be obvious. The investment in promotion fees may be unaffordable especially for small stores, but even large stores may face high promotion fees. In front of the promotion fee, the annual fee may be just a fraction.
Finally, taking my experience in music training as an example, among the several stores in Yangpu, Shanghai, the most expensive one costs about 60,000 yuan a month, and to achieve a certain effect, at least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan is needed. Yuan of promotion expenses. Therefore, the annual fee may actually be a fraction of the monthly promotional costs. In the search bar of Dianping, the top merchants usually have promotion links. Clicking on these ads may cost from two to three yuan to twenty or thirty yuan.

2、Which sea cucumber brand is the most cost-effective? Is there one in downtown Shanghai?
My friend, I still know this. Haha, there have been more and more sea cucumber shops in Shanghai recently. For something as expensive as sea cucumbers, it is best to buy branded ones. The price may be slightly higher, but the quality is definitely much higher. Things like Zhangzi Island, Shangpintang, and Bangchui Island are all good. Zhangzidao is very expensive, but Shangpintang is relatively cost-effective. They were recently advertised on CCTV. Bangchui Island is also good, but a bit more expensive. Value for money, benevolent people have different opinions, personal opinions, for reference only:
Shangpintang sea cucumbers are of good quality and have ranked first in sales in Beijing for several consecutive years. They are the sponsor of Dalian Albin and have recently landed on CCTV. The development momentum is Very powerful, and the outer packaging is very high-end. Now while ensuring quality, we focus on quantity. The price is much cheaper than Zhangzidao.
Shanghai store: No. 1289, Changning Road, Changning District, close to the Chest Hospital.
Bangchui Island sea cucumber started early. It is well-known in Shanghai and has good sales volume in Shanghai. The corporate management model is relatively lagging behind, but the quality is good and the price is high.
Shanghai store: No. 602, Xietu Road, Luwan District, opposite Starlight Photography Equipment. It opened very early. I bought it and it was good. There is also one in Yangpu District. I’ve asked about it, but I’ve never been there.
Zhangzidao sea cucumber, a big deal, a big brand, a product of a listed company. But the price is a bit scary. The quality is still very good, but the packaging is not very classy.
Shanghai specialty store: None, but there is one in Ganghui Plaza. I haven’t seen an independent Zhangzidao sea cucumber specialty store yet.
You can also buy other brands, even ones without names, it just depends on whether you accept it or not. It doesn’t hurt to check out a few more.
