How to promote your own handmade billboards

作者:昔季听 | 发布日期:2024-09-23 16:48:26

本文目录一览壹、If you sell your own flour, grind your own noodles, and pre ss your own noodles, how can you make an advertising slogan?
Advertising slogans can be homemade and original like the following. The flour tastes fresh, healthy and delicious.
贰、How to make stall signs by hand

Steps of making stall signs by hand

1. Prepare a piece of A4 card paper.

2. Fold the short side inward about 8 cm.

3. Cut the folded edge into an arc shape.

4. Use colored paper of different colors to cut into circles and paste them on the edge of the arc as decoration.

5. Paste a bow decoration on the middle part of the upper end.

6. Finally, cut the colored paper into a flower shape and write the name of the children's store. A simple and cute billboard is ready.

Benefits of handmade products

1. Enhance feelings and improve communication skills.

During the hand-making process, children and adults often need to cooperate and help each other, which exercises children's communication skills, ability to communicate with others, and ability to work together.

2. Improve IQ and enhance self-care ability.

Manual use of hands to knead, rub, pinch, stick, insert, tear, twist, twist, join, carve, pre ss, cut, tie, paint, glue and other actions to complete creation. Not only enhances the child's hand-eye coordination ability, but also enhances the development of the child's fine movements.

3. Enhance children’s self-confidence.

Children have benefited a lot from handicrafts, and their hands-on ability, attention, compre hension, and learning abilities have all improved.

4. Add fun to life.

Handwork comes from life, but it is different from life. This requires children to love life and be good at discovering the beauty in life. Put beautiful ideas into creation.

5. Cultivate children’s creativity.

Many times when children make handicrafts, adults first provide pictures or shapes of some things, and then guide the children to think divergently, and then mobilize the children's enthusiasm for making, allowing the children to fully expre ss themselves. Use your imagination to create things in your own mind.

叁、I printed a small billboard on foam by hand with ink. What is the template of the sign made of? Thank you
There are two types, one is silk screen printing (silk screen printing). When making plates in an advertising company, you put the paint in and scrape it with your hands, and the words come out. We usually use it a lot. Another way is to use a two-color board, carve it with an engraving machine, empty it, and then spray it with self-spray paint, and that's it. Silk screen printing is recommended as it has high pre cision, fast speed and can be used repeatedly.