Is it legal to use a billboard in a community garage?

广告牌 · 2024-09-22 19:24:53
本文目录一览一、The billboards on the road leading from the underground garage to the gate exit in the community cannot be fixed due to strong winds and hit the cars moving at the door, causing the front insurance to be lifted and the size of the car
Buildings, structures or If other facilities and their placed or suspended objects fall off or fall, causing damage to others, and the owner, manager or user cannot prove that they are not at fault, they shall bear liability for infringement of rights. After the owner, manager or file user makes compensation, if there are other responsible persons, the owner, manager or file user shall have the right to recover compensation from the other responsible persons

二、What are the pros and cons of opening a supermarket in a community with an underground garage?
Many such high-end communities
open supermarkets in the communities
and the business is not very good.
My suggestion is:
Go outside the gate of the community,
to the side facing the school,
buy a commercial house,
open a supermarket,
/>The effect will be very good.
People in the community and outside, including people from school
can go to your supermarket to sell things.

三、Can the community garage be used as a door head?
Door billboards are also called store signs or store signs, and are included in the scope of outdoor advertising management. Many cities have promulgated relevant regulations, which have clear requirements for the size and material of store signs, and they need to go to the local urban management department to go through the approval procedures in advance. Each local urban management department has different requirements for setting up store signs. You need to consult the local urban management. The following is the general process for applying for store signage, for reference only: 1. Approval process for setting up store signs and signage (own outdoor advertising): 1. Application: An applicant unit shall submit relevant application materials to the district urban management office where the store sign is set up; 2. Acceptance: After passing the pre liminary review, the district urban management office will transfer the application materials to the district planning and other departments for review and approval; 3. Approval: Relevant departments will Review opinions will be submitted within 7 working days; 4. Decision: The district urban management office will make a corresponding establishment licensing decision after summarizing the opinions of all relevant departments. Each district industrial and commercial branch will handle the outdoor advertising registration procedures and report to the municipal urban management office for filing. 2. The following materials are required to register store signage (own outdoor advertising): 1. Decision letter on administrative licensing matters from the Urban Management Office; 2. Copy of the business license of the place of establishment; 3. Copy of rental agreement and property ownership certificate; 4. Business license Real-life advertising renderings stamped and confirmed by the Urban Management Office; 5. Provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate if you use your own registered trademark; 6. Provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate and a valid authorization issued by the trademark registrant agreeing to use the trademark if you use another person’s registered trademark. ; 7. All copies must be stamped with the official seal.

四、I changed some of the green belts in the community into concrete slabs and built a garage for my motorcycle. Am I breaking the law?
Occupying public green space should be considered a violation, not illegal.
According to relevant regulations, setting up billboards or building temporary buildings in green spaces; quarrying stone, digging sand, taking soil, and building graves in green spaces; damaging greening facilities and other behaviors that damage greening. Anyone who occupies a built green space or a planned reserved green space without authorization shall be ordered by the greening department to return it within a time limit and restore it to its original state. Those who violate the regulations will also be fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 50 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be fined not less than 50 yuan but not more than 500 yuan. ; If damage is caused, a fine shall be imposed between 3 times and 5 times the compensation standard for greening or greening facilities.
However, if you have a good attitude towards admitting your mistake and restore the original appearance in time, you can handle it as appropriate.







