
壹、About how to arrange the layout to look good, for example: business cards, billboards, etc.

Business cards should be simply matched, not too fancy, the color contrast can be slightly stronger, not too many colors, billboards The most important thing is to be conspicuous. Depending on the content, you can add logos, classic products, etc., but the things you promote must be prominent

贰、How to arrange 5 characters on a 12-meter billboard
1. First, choose the appropriate font and size to make the text easy to read. The choice of font should be consistent with the theme of the billboard, and the size of the font should be determined based on the distance of the billboard and the position of the viewer.
2. Secondly, determine the alignment of the text. Commonly used alignment methods include left alignment, center alignment and right alignment. If there are multiple blocks of text on a billboard, they should be aligned to maintain overall balance and aesthetics.
3. Then set appropriate line spacing and character spacing to make the text easy to read. The size of line and character spacing should be determined based on the font and font size.
4. Finally, choose the appropriate layout method according to the size and shape of the billboard. If the billboard is larger, consider breaking the text into multiple blocks and using different typography methods to improve visual impact.
