
What media are there in Chongqing?
There are many media in Chongqing. The general classification summary is:
1: Outdoor media,
1: Outdoor T-shaped sign 2: Outdoor three-sided flip 3: Outdoor LED screen 4: Bus stop 5: Outdoor kiosk 6: Outdoor knife flag 7: Bus body.
Among them, LED media has the highest single cost, the most high-end, and the best ability to enhance the brand. If you want to enhance the brand, the best choice is the LED large screen. If the budget allows, try to choose the LED large screen and control the time. More than 15 seconds, and the frequency should be as high as 120 times a day. Followed by T-shaped cards and three-sided flips, and the rest are almost irrelevant. You can find relevant media companies by searching for media words in search engines. You can also use the same method to find other media. For example, if you search for: Chongqing outdoor advertising company, Chongqing LED advertising company, Chongqing elevator advertising company, you can find many companies. You can consult several more companies, and you can also inquire about the market conditions of peers from different companies.
Two: newspaper media, The person just said it, I won’t say more
Three: Building Advertisement
1: Elevator door sticker 2: Elevator inner frame 3: Elevator entrance TV 4: Elevator entrance billboard
Chongqing Buildings with elevator door stickers are generally not allowed to post them, so you can almost ignore the elevator door stickers. You can consider the elevator inner frame, but you have to be cautious, because some companies are very untrustworthy and do not publish according to the contracted quantity. They are sneaky and sneaky. . For example (Target Advertising Company), elevator entrance TV advertisements have high costs and low circulation frequency. The effect is not very satisfactory, and the price/performance ratio is not high. Elevator entrance billboards are relatively cost-effective and the effect is relatively ideal. The focus is still on choosing a property. Choosing an advertising company is also very important.
Four: Aviation and airport media
The price is generally on the high side. If you have money, you can consider this option
Five: Media in buses
It is not suitable for high-end media and is detrimental to development. Bad branding. Companies that want to develop big are advised not to invest
Six: Light Rail Media
The development of Chongqing’s light rail is currently immature, so wait at least three years before considering
Seven: Traditional TV Media
Make an appointment Many people don’t watch TV much anymore, and there are too many TV stations and the cost is too high, so it is not recommended to place them
8: Private car advertising
New media, you need to choose a good car, and you need to put in a lot of ads to be visible The effect is better when combined with copying
Nine; Internet media
1: Search engine 2: SEO optimization 3: Keyword optimization
Search engines use too much fraud and the cost is quite high, so it is not recommended adoption. You can choose a good company for SEO optimization, and the price ranges from a few hundred to tens of thousands. The key depends on technology and bargaining ability. SEO optimization is almost zero cost. Keyword optimization is similar to SEO

The billboards around Chongqing North Railway Station (Longtousi Railway Station)
should be red and blue. Pay attention when you look at them, because there are several software park brands there that are like this. Only those with English will count.
