Indoor advertising light box for non-staple food stores

一、Fruit shop marketing skills
1. Fruit shop management skills 1: Site selection. Choosing the location to open a store is very important for a fruit store. There are many fruit shops near the hospital, and they are large in scale, mainly selling imported fruits; and near residential areas, there are also places where fruit shops are concentrated. Some fruit specialty stores pay special attention to "image". In order to make customers feel that the fruits are neatly arranged and have a wide variety, many stores specially install mirrors on the walls on both sides of the store. In this way, at first glance, all kinds of fruits are dazzling and very impre ssive. Eye-catching. The vegetable market gathers people from surrounding communities, and people always want to pick some fruits when buying vegetables. The bus station is a gathering place for people, and there are many people buying fruits to take home. It is easier to sell fruits in middle residential areas. With this huge profit point, it is easier to make money. What is special is the fruit shop near the hospital. In addition to supplying fruits to residents in nearby communities, they can also sell fruit baskets, which makes business easier. Mature residential areas are also generally referred to as old residential areas. Residents have no housing burden, relatively stable jobs, and relatively stable consumption levels. As long as you understand the residents' consumption habits, business will definitely flourish.
2. Fruit shop management skills 2: Decorative layout. Clean, refreshing, neat and orderly can be summed up in eight words. Store sign advertising planning: If store advertising wants to attract attention, it must highlight its image in a concise form, novel style, and harmonious colors. Otherwise, it will be ignored by consumers. Regarding the ceiling plan: hang some plastic green branches and leaves and fake fruits from the ceiling to highlight the natural, green and healthy concept of the fruit shop. The lighting mainly highlights the natural color of the fruits. It is better to choose high-brightness fluorescent lamps to avoid color deviation problems. Hang flags with slogans such as "Eating more fruits is good for your health" and "Green and healthy every day" to increase the atmosphere. Planning and layout: To put it simply, the decoration of the fruit shop should be bright and concise, with green and other refreshing colors as the main colors. The exit and entrance are separated to facilitate customer purchasing routes. The payment and weighing areas are also separated to save payment time. Be sure not to make customers wait for more than 3 minutes, otherwise they will get annoyed. Mirrors can be installed at appropriate places on both sides of the door to make the fruit shop look more diverse and eye-catching. Key points in the design of fruit racks and fruit cabinets: good waterproof performance. Keeping fruits fresh requires frequent watering, and wooden shelves will rot. Fruits are easily bruised, and the shelves holding them should not have edges or corners. The edge of the fruit should not be too high, it should be just enough to hold the next layer of apples. Design and production: Fruit name signs, price signs, signs in various areas, light boxes, wall colors, ceilings (hanging flags and green natural decorations), etc. all need to be systematically designed before opening the store to avoid confusion later.
3. Fruit shop management skills three: wholesale skills. Determine the type of business: Generally, street vendors mainly sell ordinary fruits such as apples and oranges, which have a long shelf life and are not easy to spoil; non-staple food stores will add seasonal fruits such as bananas, watermelons, and grapefruits; the variety of fruit shops There are more. In addition to ordinary fruits, the large-scale ones will also sell some imported fruits. The smaller ones will also sell mango, cantaloupe and other fruits with higher purchase prices; the mobile fruit stalls operated on trucks and flatbeds mainly sell fruits. It is used to make relatively large seasonal fruits, such as pineapple, grapefruit, watermelon, cantaloupe, orange, etc. Time and wholesale location selection: The working hours of the fruit wholesale market start at 4 o'clock in the morning and are active before 10 o'clock. Recognize wholesalers: There are roughly two major categories and four small types of wholesalers: local wholesalers, all have their own fixed venues, and they are divided into two types: one group of people go to other places to receive goods and wholesale them themselves; the other group of people come from Receive goods from foreign middlemen. Foreign wholesalers generally do not have a fixed location and are divided into two types: one wholesaler collects a large amount of fruits locally and transports them to the wholesale market for direct wholesale to retailers; large growers directly transport their own fruits to the market for wholesale. Retailers. It takes more observation and understanding to distinguish and identify wholesalers for long-term cooperation. Find out the real wholesale price: Various wholesalers verbally share similar prices, but wholesalers of different categories have different price concession ranges. You need to find out the real wholesale price. At this time, you should pay attention to the quantity and price of the purchased goods. The price will be different depending on the quantity of goods purchased. You can figure it out by observing it a few times.
4. Fruit shop management skills four: fruit selection and storage. The fruit business has its own particularities. Fruit selection and storage skills are top priorities, and reducing losses is the basis for making money. Operators are afraid of picking out fruits that are not so fresh, or storing them improperly, which may cause a large amount of damage. Mold on bad fruits is easily contagious. According to the reporter's survey of various fruit stores, the losses caused by a batch of wrong fruits are likely to offset all the profits of the month. If the quantity is large and the cost is small, the wrong fruits will be the main products of the season. Goods may also go out of business because of a wrong batch of fruit. It is necessary to grasp the seasons of various fruits in a timely manner. In terms of profit ratio, when a certain fruit is first launched, the price is high, and customers are more likely to buy it because of its freshness, which is a good time to make money. When this kind of fruit is about to go off the market, you have to be very careful when purchasing it, as bad fruits are easy to appear.
