When the typhoon comes, the billboard flies away

作者:冼季才 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 23:38:06

一、An outdoor billboard in Shanghai was blown up by the wind and knocked down passers-by. How powerful is Typhoon Chandu?

An outdoor billboard in Shanghai was blown up by the wind and knocked down passers-by. How powerful is Typhoon "Sandu"?

1. How powerful is Typhoon "Sandu"?

Everyone who lives by the sea has seen the power of typhoons. The power of typhoons is very powerful. It can not only trigger a series of secondary disasters, but also pose a great threat to the safety of people's lives and property. Sometimes typhoons can also cause long periods of heavy rainfall. The power of Typhoon Chandu in the Shanghai area cannot be underestimated. When the typhoon arrived, the maximum wind force had reached level 17. It can be seen that, This typhoon is so violent that it has reached the level of a super typhoon. Typhoon Chandu not only brought heavy rainfall to Shanghai and other areas where the typhoon passed through, but also continued strong winds, which affected people's lives. had a huge impact. Many people choose to stay at home and not go out, because it is difficult to walk in typhoon weather.

2. What should you do if you encounter a typhoon?

If you encounter typhoon weather, if you are outdoors, you must find a place to take shelter in time to avoid possible secondary disasters that threaten your life and property. For example, a local in Shanghai Passers-by were hit by billboards blown down by typhoons. This is very dangerous. Once the billboards are very heavy, the lives of those who are hit may be in danger. Therefore, after encountering a typhoon, immediately It is very important to find a place to take shelter. In addition, if you are at home, you must not go out. Do not go out to buy things after the typhoon passes. Do not go out in the wind and rain when the typhoon arrives. This is very important. Dangerous practice.

3. What should everyone do to pre vent the typhoon before it comes?

Before a typhoon arrives, the weather forecast will provide a detailed notification. As long as you check the weather forecast regularly, you will be able to receive warnings before the typhoon arrives, so you can make some pre parations in advance, such as storing storage at home. An appropriate amount of food, as well as some supplies that can help you escape from danger when you are in danger. In addition, when a typhoon arrives, everyone should try to stay indoors so that they can protect their lives to the greatest extent. and property safety, and when a typhoon arrives, everyone must pay attention at home and try not to turn on household appliances to avoid unexpected situations. These pre parations must be in place.