Shanghai outdoor anti-aircraft gun large billboard renovation

一、What is outdoor anti-aircraft artillery?

Outdoor anti-aircraft artillery is a form of outdoor advertising.

Detailed explanation:

1. Definition and overview: Outdoor anti-aircraft artillery advertising, often referred to as "anti-aircraft artillery", is a large outdoor billboard because it is tall and eye-catching. Features that can attract people's attention from a long distance. They are usually set up high, such as on the roof of a building or on a pole next to a road, to capture the sight of passing pedestrians or vehicles.

2. Structure and characteristics: Outdoor anti-aircraft guns are generally made of steel structures and come in various shapes, either single-sided or double-sided. It is characterized by large size, strong visual impact and good information transmission effect. Because outdoor anti-aircraft guns are positioned higher, they are able to cover a wider area and are a very effective advertising medium.

3. Purpose and content: Outdoor anti-aircraft guns are widely used in various commercial promotions, such as product promotion, brand promotion, event notification, etc. Advertising content usually includes the company's logo, product pictures, slogans, etc. Due to its high visibility and long-term display time, outdoor anti-aircraft guns can effectively enhance brand image and enhance consumers' awareness of products.

4. Installation and maintenance: The installation of outdoor anti-aircraft guns requires professional technical and equipment support to ensure the stability and safety of its structure. At the same time, regular maintenance and inspections are also essential to ensure the integrity and normal operation of billboards.

In general, outdoor anti-aircraft artillery is a very effective form of outdoor advertising. Because of its eye-catching features and wide coverage area, it has become the pre ferred way for many companies and merchants to promote.

二、The construction progress of the anti-aircraft artillery advertising anti-aircraft artillery billboard project is clear

After the signing of the contract, Party B's technical team immediately started a series of pre paratory work. First, they worked with Party A to determine the center position of the anti-aircraft gun billboard to ensure accuracy. Then, Party A will inspect and accept the three connections and one leveling work to ensure that the construction foundation is stable. Technicians also need to coordinate the purchase of required raw materials and rental machinery, and at the same time explain important matters during the construction process to Party A. These pre parations are expected to take 2-3 days, but are not included in the construction period stipulated in the contract.

When the pre paration work is completed, the construction is on track. The following is the specific construction schedule:

It takes 1-2 days for personnel and machinery, foundation positioning flanges, ground bolts, and rebar to arrive on site.
Rebar processing and foundation trench excavation, notify Party A for acceptance, 1-2 days.
After the pit is accepted, the underlying layer, steel bar binding, positioning flange and formwork will be installed, which is expected to take 2-3 days.
C25 concrete was poured in two times to complete the foundation and perform concealed backfilling and curing, which lasted 2-3 days.
It takes 4-5 days to arrive at the site for anti-corrosion treatment, cutting and welding of the brand steel.
The columns come in, Party A accepts and pays, and the crane unloads the goods, which is completed in one day.
The crane assists in the assembly of the cards, and security personnel supervise the details, which lasts 2-3 days.
It takes 3-4 days to complete the welding support of the signboard and install the galvanized panels.
Security inspectors will review the welds to ensure there are no hidden dangers, 1-2 days.
The billboard will be fully inspected and accepted. Once qualified, it will be hoisted and installed, and will be completed within 1 day.
During the installation process, Party A or the authorized supervisor must supervise the angle, visual level and verticality of the billboard throughout the entire process for 1 day.
After the installation is completed, seal the anchor bolts with concrete and stone bricks to pre vent corrosion and theft, which is expected to take 1-2 days.
Finally, the billboard was installed, announcing the completion of the project.

The entire process is rigorous and orderly, ensuring the high-quality completion of the billboard project.
