Outdoor wall advertising prices

本文目录一览How much does it cost for outdoor wall inkjet advertising space?
Let me give you a few for reference:
On both sides of the highway from Beijing to Beijing International Airport, there are outdoor advertising signs of 216 square meters, about 9 million yuan, or about 3,500 yuan/square meter per month;
On both sides of Beijing’s Sixth Ring Road (toll highway), there are 216 square meters of outdoor advertising signs, costing about 2.2 million yuan, or about 850 yuan/square meter per month;
Beijing’s Fifth Ring Road (toll free road), the traffic flow is significantly higher than that of 6 Huanda) Outdoor advertising billboard is 216 square meters, about 6 million yuan, about 2,300 yuan/square meter per month;
Billboards on both sides of a main road in the Second Ring Road in Shijiazhuang City are about 200 square meters, about 160,000 yuan, about 67 yuan/square meter.month
Inkjet printing advertisements in rural markets are much cheaper:
1. Ordinary inkjet printing cloth advertisements (fixed with nails, or made of angle steel or square tubes (Skeleton is fixed): It is easy to be peeled off in its entirety. The shelf life is usually as short as half a month, and 1---3 months if the position is a little bit off. The price is 25--45 yuan/square meter per time; about 15---20 Yuan/square meter.month;
2. Wall inkjet film advertising (a new type of wall advertising specially developed for rural wall advertising, won a national patent, fixed with glue, anti-covering, anti-damage, good fixation , extremely low damage rate): 29--49 yuan/square meter per year, approximately 3 yuan/square meter per month. (You can contact Beijing Blue Ocean Advertising Co., Ltd.)
3. There is also a wall advertisement made with paint (made with air pump and spray gun): The disadvantages are: first, it is easy to be covered, and a good position can take a month It can be covered by more than 60% of new advertisements. Secondly, the price per unit time is relatively high, generally 6---15 yuan/square meter per time, which is about 3---8 yuan/square meter per month.
Prices vary in different regions and are for reference only

How to make large letters on outdoor wall advertisements that use paint?
Generally, it is done by experts who write directly on them. We have done this kind of huge wall advertisements. Many, but in recent years they have been replaced by outdoor inkjet printing. Inkjet printing has the advantages of low cost and speed, but construction and installation are also more troublesome

How much does it usually cost to rent an outdoor advertising space?

1. Prices vary in different geographical locations

In a certain location and environment, the price of outdoor billboards fluctuates around its market value, for example The prices for highway advertising and urban advertising are different. The prices for advertising outdoor advertising space in the other two cities are also different. For example, advertising in Beijing is seven or eight times more expensive than advertising in Zhangjiakou, but the effect is similar.

2. The safety of outdoor advertising affects the price

The safety of outdoor advertising is related to life, so whether the selection of single-post advertising materials meets the standards and is durable and durable Whether it can ensure the safety of pedestrians to the maximum extent also has a basis for pricing.

3. Prices vary with different quality and material grades

For example, the quality of the steel structure frame of a single-column advertisement will affect the price of the outdoor advertising space. Whether the material of the billboard screen is 02A inkjet cloth, outdoor car stickers or part of the screen with reflective stickers, their prices are also different.
