Van body advertising design, production and installation

本文目录一览I、How to punish truck body advertising

Legal analysis: Advertising on the body of a van is within the scope of traffic police investigation. If advertising on the body of a motor vehicle is not set up in the pre scribed manner and location, the public security traffic police will The patrol management department may impose a fine of more than 500 yuan and less than 2,000 yuan per vehicle on the unit or individual to which the motor vehicle belongs.

Legal basis: "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 42 Under any of the following circumstances, outdoor advertising shall not be set up:

(1) ) Using traffic safety facilities and traffic signs;

(2) Affecting the use of municipal public facilities, traffic safety facilities, traffic signs, fire protection facilities, and fire safety signs;

(Three) ) that hinders production or people’s lives and harms the appearance of the city;

(4) It is prohibited to set up outdoor advertisements in construction control zones of state agencies, cultural relics protection units, scenic spots, etc., or local people’s governments at or above the county level of locale settings.

Article 43: No unit or individual may send advertisements to the residence, transportation, etc. of the parties without the consent or request of the parties, nor may they send advertisements to them in the form of electronic messages.

If advertisements are sent by means of electronic messages, the true identity and contact information of the sender shall be clearly stated, and the recipient shall be provided with a method to refuse further receipt.

Article 44 The provisions of this Law shall apply to the use of the Internet to engage in advertising activities.

Using the Internet to publish and send advertisements shall not affect users' normal use of the Internet. Advertisements published in the form of pop-ups and other forms on Internet pages should be clearly marked with a closing sign to ensure one-click closing.

Article 45: Managers of public places or telecommunications business operators or Internet information service providers use their places or information transmission or publishing platforms to send or publish illegal advertisements that they know or should have known about. , should be stopped.

II、Shanghai car body advertising, what are the necessary procedures?
Article 6 Self-designed advertisements publishing the company’s products, trademarks and other contents on private vehicles are allowed to be placed on the following motor vehicles:
(1) Buses;
 (2) Station wagons with more than 9 seats (excluding 9 seats);
 (3) Vans.
Article 7 Motor vehicle body advertisements are outdoor mobile advertisements. Units that set up and publish vehicle body advertisements shall submit an application to the city's industrial and commercial administration department within 30 days before the advertisement is released and fill out the "Outdoor Advertising Registration Application Form" 》, and submit the following supporting documents:
 (1) Business license of the advertiser and advertising business unit;
 (2) Advertising business license;
 (3) Advertising contract;
>(4) "Position" use agreement;
(5) Advertising review decision documents made by the relevant administrative departments that should be submitted according to laws and administrative regulations;
(6) Advertising design samples and renderings;
 (7) Other supporting documents that the industrial and commercial administration department deems should be submitted
Article 8 The commercial administration department shall accept the application after the above-mentioned supporting documents are complete, and shall s. The applicant will be notified of the decision of approval or disapproval within three working days.

III、Questions about the production cost of van body advertising

Inkjet printing technology is generally used to produce body advertising. Vinyl car stickers are better produced. Different brands of car stickers have different prices. There are cost issues, design draft issues, and installation time issues, so I can't answer the price correctly. It can only be roughly around 1,000-2,000 yuan. It is recommended to find a regular car body advertising company, because in addition to the above problems, it takes more than 3 minutes to make a body advertising. First, you need to get approval from the vehicle management office before you can drive on the road, so you also need to know what documents you need to pre pare for filing and approval.
