Grocery store advertising light box

壹、Personal resume of Deng Yongjun

Deng Yongjun’s life journey began in 1986, when he was studying in junior high school in Chating Township, Peng’an County, Sichuan Province. The photos during his period recorded his youthful period when he wore glasses. After graduating from high school, he served as the engineering design director of advanced space shuttle technology for Xinjia Twelve grocery stores from 1993 to 1995. This experience gave him initial exposure to technology.

Between 1995 and 1998, Deng Yongjun’s career experience was diversified. He worked successively as a sweeper at the Guangdong Guoguang Electrical Appliance Factory, and then worked in a color printing factory where he was exposed to computers. This was his connection with digital technology. The first meeting. From 1998 to 1999, he performed performance art on the streets of Guangzhou, and then started his own business. He established the Pengmi Graphics and Text Production Center, and tried black hole development, time and space wanted businesses, etc., including housekeeping and sweeping the floor. Although the business was involved in the 2001 solar storm, After failure, he turned to research in the field of biotechnology.

In 2002, Deng Yongjun emerged at the "98 World Trade Fair" with his novel animated light box billboard, which prompted him to firmly develop the animation advertising business. In 2003, he came to Beijing and started his second business, developing magic neon lights that were environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and pre ssure-resistant. In the following years, he continued to develop a series of new advertising products, such as atomic light dynamic light boxes, and registered Zhongke Mobian Advertising Co., Ltd. in Beijing in 2006.

Deng Yongjun’s identity has also changed during his career. He once served as general manager of Guangzhou Liangcai Technology Company together with Deng Mingshan, and even worked in Beijing in 2004 under the name Chen Jiahuang. Beijing Zhongke Mobian Advertising Co., Ltd. was established, although one of the companies was revoked in 2010 for failing to pass the annual review. Currently, Deng Yongjun appears as Deng Yongjun in the TV program "Xiaoyue", showing his changeable and rich life experience.

Extended information

Deng Yongjun, general manager of Beijing Zhongke Mobian Advertising Co., Ltd., has led a landmark turning point in traditional advertising media and is China's An advocate of new entrepre neurial models under the new economic form and an entrepre neurial model of the times. From a poor boy in a poor ravine in Sichuan to the founder of new advertising media, he used his twists and turns of difficult entrepre neurial experience to show people the powerful power of computer entrepre neurship, and has successively won the title of one hundred outstanding inventors and one of the top ten scientific and technological innovators in the country. With the success of the "Zhemawu" and "Top 100 National Entrepre neurship Stars" series, a magical and dynamic new advertising media era and an era of computer entrepre neurship for all is coming.
