
⒈3. What is the origin of “Kung Pao” in “Kung Pao Chicken”?

Gongbao is a virtual title for officials at all levels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The highest honorary titles of Gongbao are Taishi, Shaoshi, Taifu, Shaofu, Taibao, Shaobao, Prince Taishi, Prince Shaoshi, Prince Taifu, Prince Shaofu, Prince Taibao, The prince Shaobao was given a title by a minister or given an official title after his death, and was generally called a palace title. After the Xianfeng period, "shi" was no longer used and "bao" was used instead. Such as Ding Gongbao (Ding Baozhen) and Yuan Gongbao (Yuan Shikai).

When Ding Baozhen was the governor of Shandong, he wisely killed Andehai, and then ruled Shu for ten years. He was an upright official and made many achievements. He died in office in the eleventh year of Guangxu. In recognition of his achievements, the Qing court posthumously awarded him the title "Prince Taibao". As mentioned above, "Prince Taibao" is one of the "Kung Pao", so the dish he invented was named "Kung Pao Chicken", which can be regarded as a commemoration of Master Ding.

Extended information:

According to the second statement——

One day, Ding Baozhen dressed in incognito and took a family of servants to Private visit to the Daming Lake area in Jinan, Shandong. It was almost noon when the sky was approaching, and I felt hungry. Suddenly I smelled a scent of fragrance coming from a nearby farmyard, so I strolled into the yard. I saw a middle-aged man cooking in the kitchen. Ding Gongbao, who loved cooking, quickly stepped forward and asked the man what dish he was frying. The man replied: "Stir-fried diced chicken."

The man enthusiastically asked Ding Baozhen to taste it, and Ding Baozhen took a bite without ceremony. The taste was very delicious, and he quickly asked: "It is diced chicken, why is it so fresh?" The man replied: "This is made from local chicken breasts cut into cubes and thinly coated with starch paste (that is, water starch) to facilitate quick cooking and pre vent the smell from leaking. It is then topped with peanuts, pepper, and sugar. , salt, soy sauce, southern wine, onions, ginger, garlic and other seasonings, stir-fried over high heat.

The finished product is bright red in color, the chicken is tender, the peanuts are crispy, salty and spicy, and can be served with wine. It's suitable for eating." Ding Baozhen stroked his beard and nodded, found a peanut on the plate and smacked it carefully. It really tasted special. This dish made Ding Baozhen have a long aftertaste, and he was reluctant to leave it when he left. He remembered the right place, and soon after returning home, he sent a large sum of money to hire the man as his chef. Whenever guests from far away arrive, this dish will be served as the final dish to entertain them, and it is always delicious.

Later, Ding Baozhen was transferred to the post of governor of Sichuan. Before leaving, he asked the man for his opinion. The man felt his kindness, so he followed Ding Baozhen to Sichuan with his family, and then brought stir-fried chicken to Sichuan. His descendants By replacing the pepper with chili pepper, I made Sichuan style Kung Pao Chicken. Shortly after Ding Baozhen's death, Kung Pao Chicken was pre sented to the emperor as a tribute dish by local officials in Sichuan, and it developed into one of the famous dishes used by the emperor.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Kung Pao Chicken
