
一、What are the types of billboards?

The first is poster advertising. Posters are generally placed on sidewalks where pedestrians must pass, and can also be placed at sales locations.

The second is street sign advertising. Compared with poster advertisements, street sign advertisements are more formal. Each billboard can be painted according to the requirements of the advertiser and with the consent of the relevant advertising management department, making it very eye-catching and beautiful. There used to be an electric three-sided billboard at the intersection of Yan'an Middle Road and Maoming Road in Shanghai, which integrated the functions of mechanical rotation, decorative relief and automatic time-adjusting radio clock, and played a good role in beautifying the city. This movable billboard is more than 11 meters wide and more than five meters high. It is composed of 18 rotating triangular prisms. It automatically changes the screen every 20 seconds, which is very eye-catching.

The third is neon advertising. Neon signs installed in bustling downtowns not only promote products, but also embellish the city. In addition, outdoor advertising also takes the form of advertising galleries, product models, etc. At pre sent, some advanced foreign outdoor advertisements also use sound, light, color, taste and other technologies to make the advertisements more attractive. There is a food company in the United States that erected a giant advertising model eighty feet high and one hundred feet long on the outskirts of Detroit to promote bread. When pedestrians approach it, they can not only hear the soft music playing and the voice introducing the bread, but And you can smell the aroma of "magic mixed bread", which immediately arouses people's appetite. Based on the advertising communication object: consumer advertising, corporate advertising, and advertisers as the standard, general advertising and retail advertising. International advertising, national advertising, local advertising, regional advertising. Consumer advertising, corporate advertising. General advertising, retail advertising.

二、Billboard design for rooms with high and low front doors

It depends on your design style and what your work generally feels like. I have thought of a few below, you can choose from them. I don’t even have time to draw a logo for you. If you have selected further steps for you to do.

The Wings of Light (Graphic and Text Studio) feels relatively fast and efficient

Yiluo (Personal Design Studio) feels more unique and individual

Qiao Gong Yuan (Graphic and Text Studio) expre sses your unique and ingenious design

The design of Wang Yi Xuan (Graphic and Text Studio) is online art, and Xuan has a more literary feel.

Jinghong (design studio) gives people a stunning feeling

That’s it. The logo should be as simple as possible. Wings of Light can use lines to highlight the wings. It is best to use black and white as the main color. Qiao Gongyuan uses the red seal script as its identification logo. NetArt can be a bit non-mainstream. Jinghong (actually derived from a poem "The spring waves under the sad bridge were green, once the Jinghong took its shadow". It should be a wild goose. It can be designed with this image, and it is also based on lines.

Others It depends on your pre ference.

I don’t know if you like it?
