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Commercial company billboard design

1、How to promote the clothing wholesale and retail market
In the case of limited funds, implement variable and efficient advertising strategies. Based on the principle of large audience and large influence, advertising and advertising media are flexible and changeable, and a variety of advertising forms such as newspapers, periodicals, leaflets (books), billboards, banners, and light boxes are used across the board. Moreover, when displaying the image of the wholesale city to the outside world, it is necessary to unify several points. At pre sent, the main ones are: unify the logo of the wholesale city; unify the brochure (single); unify the center's advertising words.
(1) Advertising purpose
Establish the commercial and cultural image of the wholesale city, expand the scope of investment, increase merchants' confidence in the wholesale city, and then make the merchants have the intention to settle in the wholesale city, and successfully complete the investment recruitment work , which can increase the turnover of the wholesale city in the early stages of opening.
(2) Advertising target positioning
1. Investment stage: promotion should be mainly targeted at clothing manufacturers, clothing wholesalers, large and medium-sized processing enterprises and merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
2. Opening stage: The overall situation, main projects, and business methods of the wholesale city should be mainly publicized to clothing merchants in surrounding counties and cities.
(3) Selection of advertising methods
◆Investment promotion stage
1. Newspaper advertising: Choose newspapers with large circulation in the main investment areas for publicity. The publicity theme should highlight the commercial value and historical significance of the clothing mall as the first clothing wholesale market in XXX City and the first "Mall" in the XX region.
2. Brochures and flyers: Print 100,000 copies of 16-page brochures and 10,000 copies of 64-page 10-page brochures to attract investment in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places.
3. Website establishment and publication: Design and produce a website for Guilin Clothing Mall, and publish investment information on the Internet. The main contents of the website include homepage, market overview, market style (latest quotations, business channel, FAQ, geographical location, etc.), well-known brands (recommended brands, men's clothing brands, women's clothing brands), fashion, mall news, Mall investment, online transactions, guest messages, friendly links, website navigation, contact us, copyright statement, etc.
4. Send e-mails to various garment factories and garment processing enterprises across the country for investment promotion. Using the E-mail addresses provided by major garment factories and processing enterprises across the country on their respective websites, a dedicated person will be responsible for sending these enterprises the advantages of Guilin Garment Mall and the main content and scope of investment promotion.
5. Install all the light poles on both sides of the clothing city with light boxes. Calculated based on a light pole of 50 meters. No matter day or night, beautifully designed advertising light boxes allow people to appre ciate and relax their mood and naturally accept advertising messages.
6. Set up two large advertising billboards at the intersection. Erecting a billboard here will make the clothing city more intuitively penetrate into the hearts of citizens and merchants from surrounding counties who purchase goods in the wholesale city. At the same time, it will give merchants operating in the clothing mall more business confidence and ensure the availability of taxis for shops in the wholesale city.
◆Opening stage
1. Publish two 1/8 page opening advertisements in the first two days and one 1/4 page opening advertisement on the opening day. Use the same format and unified content to unify the image of the wholesale city.
2. Distribute 50,000 leaflets to the city and surrounding counties five days before the opening.
3. One week before the opening, special reporters are invited to conduct a series of publicity reports on the clothing mall. Combine soft and hard advertising with the opening advertisement to exaggerate the festive atmosphere of the opening.
4. Hang a total of 300 banners on the main streets, stations, roads and bridges in the cities and counties within the radius of the wholesale city.
5. Knife flag. Before the opening, a total of 3,000 knife flags were hung outside the wholesale city.
6. Opening event celebration:
(1) Lion dance performance. (2) Invite leaders of the municipal party committee, municipal government, and mountain government leaders to attend the opening ceremony and deliver speeches. (3) Large-scale clothing exhibition, invite leaders at all levels, merchants and wholesalers to watch together. The clothing for the exhibition is sponsored and provided by merchants in the wholesale city. When each series of clothing appears, the host can report the name and store number of the merchant that sponsored the series of clothing. (4) Interesting question-and-answer activity. The host will ask some questions about the wholesale city. Anyone who answers correctly will receive an exquisite gift from Jingui Trading Company. (5) Merchants who purchase goods in the wholesale city on the same day will receive Corresponding discounts, and different levels of exquisite gifts from Jingui Trading Company can be obtained according to the purchase volume. (6) Organize outstanding clothing business households to participate in the opening ceremony and give gifts. For these outstanding clothing dealers who purchase goods in the wholesale city on the same day, they can also get corresponding discounts from the merchants.
◆The continuation stage
It is mainly to promote the image of the wholesale city, mainly by sponsoring public welfare activities, producing and broadcasting advertising image videos, etc., to establish the image of the wholesale city and improve the reputation of the wholesale city. Reputation.

2、What are the employment prospects of graphic design?

More and more people want to join the graphic design industry, but graphic design has been developing for so many years. Does it still have a future? Many people say that graphic design is saturated and there is no need for graphic designers in society anymore.

Is it true? Or a rumor? Is there still a future for me to study graphic design now? Is the industry saturated? I believe these issues are very worrying for novices who plan to change careers. After all, changing careers is not a trivial matter.

If you want to learn graphic design well, it is best to join a good learning environment. You can come to this Q group. The first is 716, the middle is 929, and the last is 682, it will be more convenient for everyone to study, and they can also communicate and share information together

1. The demand for talents in industry development is rising

1. The vigorous development of the graphic design industry is not only limited to the Internet industry, but also occupies a leading position in traditional industries. It has a place! Graphic design belongs to the publicity industry. As long as a company or enterprise needs to use advertising, product promotion, corporate culture, corporate image design, etc., then it cannot do without the graphic design industry! Graphic design is an industry that is not limited to any industry. A job position in the company!

2. Precisely because most companies need graphic design positions, there is a demand for graphic design talents. Rising! If the company does not set up this position separately, it will outsource it or directly find an advertising company. This has also made many people see the demand and open advertising companies, design companies, etc. that specialize in serving this position!

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2. Low entry requirements, and the influx of a large number of laypeople has made the entire industry uneven

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1. The demand for talents in the graphic design industry is rising. Many people see the development prospects of this industry. At the same time, the entry requirements for the graphic design industry are low, and they are pouring into the graphic design industry! Although the entry requirements for the graphic design industry are low, not everyone who joins this industry is a qualified graphic designer!

2. A graphic designer, It’s not just about knowing the PS software! Nowadays, many people’s understanding of graphic design is that as long as I know the PS software, I am a graphic designer! This is actually a wrong idea!

3. PS software is only an essential tool for graphic designers. Of course, there are other tools, such as AI, CDR, ID, etc. Graphic design is a skill, including There are many aspects! For example, creativity, text, typesetting, color, etc.!

Three, so zero Is there still a future for changing careers to study graphic design?

1. First of all, which industry should we start from? Gradually we will have a deeper understanding of the industry. It is best not to change jobs frequently, especially not to move for a small salary. Position, in the long run, this little money is nothing at all. When you have so many years of experience in an industry, money will not be an issue at all in the future. Frequent turbulence is not the best policy. In the end, you will not have a thorough understanding of any industry and will always be a novice!

2. The development prospects (salary benefits) of the graphic design industry are directly related to the degree of technical ability a person has mastered. It's hard to say which one is better. There are too many factors that can affect it. There are 360 ​​professions, and there are top picks in all of them. In fact, as long as you can adjust your mentality, learn professional knowledge and skills, and stick to it, no matter what you do, No matter what profession you are good at, you can be a master in this profession.

编辑于:2024-09-21 09:26:50