
广告牌 2024-09-21 22:19:00
I、What category does kt board custom billboard belong to on Taobao?
Design and printing.
KT board is a new type of material made of polystyrene (PS) particles that are foamed to form a board core and then surface-coated and pre ssed. The board body is crisp, light, not easy to deteriorate, and easy to use. Processing, and can be directly screen printed on the board (screen printing board), painted (paint adaptability needs to be tested), mounted with adhesive backing and inkjet printing, widely used in advertising display promotions, aircraft models, architectural decoration, culture, art and packaging etc. In advertising, it is used for mounting lining boards for exhibitions, displays and announcements to release product promotional information. In addition, it is widely used in screen printing, which is especially suitable for use in large-scale unified publicity activities. Size: ranging from 0.9m to 1.2m wide, usually 2.4m long.
KT boards can be divided into cold composite and hot composite from the relatively mature production process. The products produced by these two different processes are called cold boards (cold composite boards) and hot boards (hot composite boards). .
The production process of cold plates first involves foaming the board core. However, since most cold boards have a single-layer board core, double foaming is required. The thickness of the first foaming is generally about 3 mm, and the curing half Months later, the second foaming process is performed, and the core is placed on the equipment to foam to about 5 mm. After the second foaming, it can be directly glued and bonded. But there is a problem here. Cold plates often bubble. Why? Because the maturation period of the board core is too short, there is a problem with the neutral glue or there is a mistake in the glue application, and the board is exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light after it is completed.
The manufacturing process of the hot plate is to first foam the PS particles into a board core of about 2 mm through equipment. At this time, the board core is a rolled material. It is left at room temperature for about half a month and then the exhaust gas from the board core is discharged. For laminating, two large rolls of stretched PS dough and two large rolls of mature board core are placed on the equipment at the same time, and they are fused and pasted together through the mold of the equipment to form a complete board. Finally, the whole package is carried out, and the surfaced board is cut to a certain length while it is on the equipment, and the production is completed. However, the hot plate also has blistering reasons. The curing period of the board core is short, and the PS surface on the surface is too thin, and the picture There are three reasons why the glue on the back glue reacts with the PS surface.