What color of light box billboard is most eye-catching during the day?

本文目录一览I want to open an electric car store, what color combination is more eye-catching for the billboard?
Are you talking about the top of the store
or the side
or the light box
Are you selling the car or repairing it?
If you are repairing a car,
white letters on a blue background
or blue letters on a white background
if you are selling a car.
It depends on which brand you repre sent
Whether this brand has a fixed image.
Generally large manufacturers have well-planned plans
If you choose
you should choose color pictures
or general ones.
Blue text on white background

What color words and what color lights should be used on supermarket outdoor billboards to be more eye-catching?
Red words and green lights, so that the yellow words are the most dazzling at night. Background white

In addition to red and white, which two colors are most eye-catching on billboards?
Which two colors are most eye-catching on billboards? During the day, blue + white, red + blue, red + yellow, black + white, green + white, there are too many. According to the cmyk chromatographic arrangement, it can be arranged in many ways. At night, such a combination is not eye-catching, and it is completely invisible without lights. Haha
