How to open a studio billboard

●ω●I have a studio on the second floor and want to put a billboard at the door. Does this billboard need to be approved?
It needs to be approved. Although it is the front door of my company, it still needs to be approved. Get off the relationship! The methods vary from place to place. If it’s not a big deal, just do it yourself. You can save a lot of money by not having to hire an advertising agency!

(=`′=)Do I need to register to open a personal studio? Is it the same as company registration?

Registration is required to set up a personal studio.

Conditions for establishing a studio.

1. The name of the studio must be approved before it can be used. The name should be nice and easy to remember, but don’t be tricky. For example, if you use the homophony of a certain sentence or an idiom, such names cannot be used.

2. Submit application materials. Application materials include name approval notice, identity documents and U-shield of the person in charge and shareholders, business scope, registered capital, registered address, and equity distribution ratio.

3. After receiving the business license and submitting the materials, you can receive the original and copy of the business license.

4. There are usually three seals: official seal, financial seal, and corporate seal. The official seal is the most commonly used, please keep it properly.

5. The tax registration tax administrator will determine the tax type, check the tax control inventory, and then issue invoices to customers.

Extended information:

Materials for registered studio:

1. "Pre-approval of enterprise name" approved by the company registration authority Application" and "Notice of Pre-approval of Enterprise Name";

2. "Application for Establishment Registration" signed by shareholders;

3. "Designated Repre sentative or Joint Authorization" signed by shareholders Proof of Agent";

4. Establishment Agreement signed by the shareholder;

5. If the shareholder's first capital contribution is non-monetary property, the property rights have been transferred to the name of the company. Certification documents;

6. Legal person qualification certificate or natural person identity certificate of the shareholder;

7. Shareholder resolution;

8. Documents proving residence:

9. Projects in the business scope that require pre -approval must submit approval certificates from relevant departments.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Personal Studio
