Vertical strip billboard design

发布时间:2024-09-20 18:52:50
What are the plans for Internet advertising?

Advertising forms on Internet media include the following categories:

Banner advertising Banner advertising is the earliest form of online advertising. They are image files created in GIF, JPG and other formats. They are positioned in web pages and are mostly used to expre ss advertising content. At the same time, languages ​​such as Java can also be used to make them interactive, and plug-in tools such as Shockwave can be used to enhance expre ssion.

Button advertising Button? Button advertising is also called logo advertising. Positioned in the web page, the size is small and the expre ssion method is relatively simple.

Big-screen advertising? Tv-screen, also known as (picture-in-picture PIP), is located in a prominent position on the website terminal content page to enhance the attention and click-through rate of the advertisement. This advertisement can be linked to the customer's website according to the customer's needs.

FullColumn? Spanning the center of the page, a long bar logo advertisement can be used to pre sent jpg, gif, and flash creative ideas.

TextLink? Text link advertising is the least disruptive but most effective form of online advertising to viewers. The entire online advertising world is looking for new broadband advertising formats, and sometimes the simplest formats that require the least bandwidth work best.

Pop-ups? Pop-up windows appear while waiting for web pages to be downloaded, and are online advertisements in the form of opening another browsing window.

Couplet advertisements are located on both sides of the page, symmetrical to the left and right, like traditional Chinese Spring Festival couplets, so they are called couplet advertisements.

At pre sent, the more widely used Internet media advertising is native advertising, also called information flow advertising.

In-feed ads are ads that appear in the feeds of social media users’ friends. The feature of information flow advertising is personalized delivery, which can be delivered through tags according to your own needs.

Relying on massive user data and information flow ecosystem, information flow advertising can accurately capture user intentions, effectively reduce user interference, display advertisements to target customers, and easily stimulate the audience's initiative and encourage them to take the initiative. Accept and share. Combining big data and AI for pre cise delivery, both brand exposure and effect acquisition can meet the needs.