What is the difference between a billboard and a sign?

发布时间:2024-09-21 04:03:38
本文目录一览⒈What is a signboard?
Abstract: A signboard is a characteristic of a thing, a mark that makes people recognize it. It is a combination of planning, architecture, space, sculpture, logic, color, aesthetics, and materials. Integrated product. The establishment of signage is a kind of development of urban scientific and technological civilization. It is neither a simple text nor a so-called brand. It is a work of art that blends with the environment. Let’s learn about the meaning and function of signage. 1. What is a signboard?
Signboards are also called billboards and signboards. They refer to brands that have functions such as direction guidance, explanation tips, and cultural communication. It also carries rich connotations, conveys information and spatial feelings, increases spatial recognition in different environments, and provides convenience for people's lives. The definition of signage is relatively broad. For example, lobby signs for hotel supplies, toilet directional signs, street signs, etc. can all be called signs. For signboard design, it must not only fit in with its own style and environment, but also highlight the theme and convey the information, and bring convenience to people's lives through the humanized design of the signboard.
2. The meaning and function of signboards
In the process of transmitting various information, signboards convey specific things, work, scenes and abstract concepts, ideas, and directions through special graphics, words, symbols, Colors are expre ssed on different material carriers. When people see the sign, they will naturally associate it and obtain relevant information.
For example, as a production enterprise with various types of equipment, it is very important whether the equipment markings are complete or not. A simple equipment identification records the name, model, parameters, installation time, maintenance personnel, etc. of a piece of equipment in the factory, and knows which status belongs to operation, which status belongs to maintenance, etc. It is very critical for our production and maintenance personnel to master the corresponding equipment information. Through it, we can start and stop the equipment correctly; we can also effectively establish equipment files to determine when to check and repair, determine when to perform maintenance, and determine which items are easy to use. Failures, etc., so as to determine the maintenance period and service life based on the files, extend the service life of the equipment as much as possible, reduce production costs, and improve production efficiency.
There are also safety signs that we commonly see in various streets, parks and communities. If there are no safety signs, it may lead to personal safety accidents. Safety sign design boards are composed of safety colors, geometric figures and graphic symbols to expre ss specific safety information. In addition, there are supplementary signs, which are text descriptions of safety sign designs and must be used at the same time as safety signs. Safety signs serve as safety pre cautions and warnings to avoid or reduce the occurrence of safety accidents.
Signs can be seen everywhere in businesses, on the road, in shopping malls, and in communities. It is a kind of friendly reminder to people about the surrounding environment and possible problems during work and travel. For example, "Beware of mechanical injuries" and "Keep away from high temperature hazards" in the production workshop, "Speed ​​limit 60km" and "Construction ahead" on the road, "Emergency evacuation channels" and "Safety exits" in shopping malls, etc. need us Pay attention to and comply with it in daily work and life, so as to reduce a lot of wasted work, remind people to pay attention and ensure safety. Of course, we have encountered many other signs. In short, the establishment of signs is to provide convenience in everyone's life. It is a reminder and a kind of protection, and everyone needs to pay attention to it!
There are also corporate logos, real estate logos, hospitals, shopping malls, schools, tourist attractions, etc. There are signboards. In short, signboards are a medium for information transmission and a carrier. With social needs, signboards Systems that are more scaled, personalized, enrich the spatial environment, connect transportation nodes, and beautify information and media interfaces basically meet the needs of modern society. In the process of transmitting information, it also plays the role of recommending products, establishing image, and stimulating consumption.

⒉What is the abbreviation of a billboard?

The abbreviation of a billboard is a signboard.

The shop sign is the signboard of the store, and some places call it "zhaozi". From the perspective of brand promotion, a good store sign in a bustling area is not only a symbol of where the store is located. The main requirements for a good shop sign are standard color (words), width, length, cleanliness, and brightness. The requirements for surrounding lighting include brightness, distance between lights, and lighting time.

Historical origin

Guizi, also known as "Yaozi", "Shizhao" and "Zhaoguo", is the prototype of the signboard. In the old days, a guise was hung at the front of a shop as a shop sign, and the silver dress was used to mark the nature of the business. Cover can be roughly divided into the following four categories: Literal cover. Some are made of wooden boards, and some have a curtain hanging from the top of the pole. The writing on it is small but pre cise. In the tavern, the word "wine" is written.

Write the word "dang" for a pawn shop, "ready-made clothes" for a tailor shop, "plastic surgery" for a barber shop, etc. There are also some with a slightly longer number of words, such as the midwife writing "Quick horse riding lightly, a certain family cleansing". Jian Haipou is very clear and concise. Image guo. Use the model of the product as a "cover", such as hanging a wooden fish in a fish shop, hanging a note in a noodle shop, or using pictures of plasters sold by Yuanxi.

⒊How to design a novel billboard

How to design a novel billboard logo? Billboards can be understood as advertising signs, which are graphic signs that often appear in outdoor advertising. They use images to directly transform the content of advertising into the theme of advertising, and use artistic expre ssion techniques to convey information to a broad audience and give people Leave beautiful associations and unforgettable visual impre ssions. The special material of advertising signs does not have high requirements for the production of signboards, but it is also one of the important technical means of advertising signs. Producing complex neon advertising signs not only increases costs, but also causes damage to the urban environment and commuter safety. Therefore, the design of outdoor advertising signs should be eye-catching, concise, clear, and easy to understand, and the production of signs should comply with China's "Administrative Measures for the Outdoor Advertising Sign Industry".