How much does it cost to rent an advertising light box per month?

⓵Open your own Internet cafe? How is the income?
Since the Ministry of Culture has strict requirements on the scale, safety, energy conservation and other aspects of Internet cafes, it is not easy to invest in Internet cafes. So, how much is the investment in Internet cafes and what are the benefits? Is financing necessary?
Internet cafes are for making money, so they must consider cost investment and benefit recovery issues, so they must also bear some risks. In addition to policy and decision-making factors, it is also very important for investors to understand the initial investment. Only in this way can we win in the fierce competition. Generally speaking, the state stipulates that the number of computers required for a new Internet cafe should not be less than 60. In order to meet the needs of market competition, many owners will consider opening Internet cafes with a scale of 100 or even hundreds of units. We might as well take an Internet cafe with 100 computers as an example to make an investment budget.
For Internet cafe PCs, the unit price is at least 3,300 yuan per unit. 100 PCs plus a charging machine total 101 machines. The total cost of the machines is 101×3300=333,300 yuan. Two high-power air conditioners are essential, and the investment is about 10,000 yuan. The decoration cost of the Internet cafe business pre mises includes computer tables and chairs (101 × 200 yuan/set = 20,200 yuan), power supply and network wiring and wiring products (wires and sockets, network cables and crystal heads, 24-port switch plus a 48-port switch, mid-range A router, wiring ducts, etc., which cost approximately 8,000 yuan), light box advertisements (1,000 yuan), glass doors and other small facilities and equipment, decoration materials, decoration construction fees, etc., should be budgeted according to the principle of simplicity. At least 35,000 yuan is required, so the approximate initial investment cost is 427,500 yuan. If you add some spare funds, investing in an Internet cafe with 100 computers requires an initial investment of at least 500,000 yuan.
Under normal circumstances, the total cost of applying for an Internet cafe cultural business license and related certificates is about 20,000 yuan. However, given that the country has introduced policies restricting the opening of new Internet cafes, Internet cafe licenses have also increased, and the fees in some areas have even reached 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.
In addition, venue rent is also an important aspect that Internet cafe owners need to consider. In particular, many popular places require Internet cafe owners to pre pay three months or even half a year's rent at a time. Finding a good house that is both cheap and easy to gain popularity is one of the most critical factors for the successful operation of an Internet cafe.
Here, we can roughly budget the daily operating income and expenses of the Internet cafe.
Internet cafe charges are calculated based on the price of 1.5 yuan/hour, and are temporarily based on the average use of each station for 10 hours per day, that is, all operating hours are combined and calculated as if they are fully occupied for 10 hours per day. The monthly income is approximately 10 hours × 100 units × 1.5 yuan/hour × 30 days = 45,000 yuan.
Calculate the monthly operating costs: 10,000 yuan for rent (an Internet cafe with a scale of 100 units must rent a business pre mises with an area of ​​300 square meters), 5,000 yuan for electricity, 1,500 yuan for broadband network, personnel Salary (based on at least 3 people) is 2,500 yuan, and other expenses (such as maintenance) are 1,000 yuan.
Calculated in this way, the monthly cost and expenditure of an Internet cafe is about 20,000 yuan. If the income is subtracted from the expenditure, the monthly net income is 45,000-20,000=25,000 yuan, so the total annual income is about 25,000×12 =300,000 yuan.
In other words, if the operation is normal, investing in an Internet cafe with 100 PCs will take at least one and a half years to recover the cost, and it will have a profit of 25,000 yuan per month in the future.
If you have sufficient liquidity and can withstand a capital investment of 500,000 yuan, it is recommended that you do not use financing. After all, the profit of the above budget is very ideal. In the actual operation process of Internet cafes, many uncertain factors are often encountered, making it difficult to guarantee operating profits. In addition, the competition in Internet cafes is very fierce now, and it is only a matter of time before entering the era of low profits.
If you do not have sufficient funds and want to join the Internet cafe industry as a boss, it is recommended that you use partnership financing, which will not only improve the overall competitiveness, but also reduce the risk a lot. With more people, not only will it be easier to manage, but you will also have more time to consider operating other value-added services (such as small supermarkets, fast food, etc.) in the Internet cafe to increase business income.
Now, manufacturers such as Tongfang, Great Wall, and TCL have adopted the business strategy of providing financing services to Internet cafe owners. Generally, the annual interest rate of financing is around 8%. If the loan is 300,000 yuan, the annual interest expense will be about 24,000 yuan. If the Internet cafe is run properly, the Internet cafe itself is still completely affordable.
However, Internet cafe owners must choose the right people when financing, and must not easily trust strangers or acquaintances introduced by so-called acquaintances to avoid unnecessary financial disputes in the future.
