The billboard on the first floor takes up half the wall of the second-floor window

本文目录一览⒈The balcony wall on the second floor is occupied by a billboard on the first floor - can I ask for compensation?
Yes. According to a query on, it was learned that the balcony wall on the second floor was occupied by a billboard on the first floor, infringing the right to use the balcony exterior wall, and a certain amount of compensation should be paid.

⒉My house is on the second floor, and the first floor is the facade. The billboards on the first floor should be placed under the windows on the second floor, that is, on the ground on the second floor. 80C
The situation is the same as mine. First of all, let me tell you that the family on the second floor has no right to ask for advertising fees, because that location belongs to the owner of the entire building. Yes, if you want to use it, you need to inform all the owners, and more than half of the owners agree before you can use it. If you don't inform, he is invading the interests of your owners privately. You can jointly authorize all the owners of the building to jointly claim advertising fees, such as 100,000 a month. , Pretend or not. In this case, if more than half of the owners agree, he can pay for the installation. This fee belongs to you, the owner of the entire residence. Hope the reply is useful to you.

⒊The installation of billboards on the first floor of a residential building affects residents on the second floor
Residents on the second floor can protect their rights and interests through legal procedures.
First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the billboard installation procedures have been approved by the relevant departments; secondly, when purchasing a house or shop, whether the real estate developer has clearly marked the right to use the wall, especially whether there are any rights for the use of the exterior wall. Relevant expre ss provisions and explanations; another point is that it depends on whether the two parties have signed a certain agreement. Agreements within the scope of legal validity are protected by law, and the party whose interests are damaged can protect its own rights and interests through legal procedures.
In addition, with reference to the provisions of the Property Rights Law and the Interpre tations of the Supre me People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Differential Ownership of Buildings, if other residents outside the building claim that the installation of the billboard is inconsistent with their own If you have an interest, as long as you can prove that the value of your house, quality of life and safety have been or may be adversely affected, you can request the People's Court to eliminate the obstruction, restore the original status, confirm the invalidity of the act, or demand compensation for losses.
