铁板做广告牌喷真石漆 行不行

本文目录一览壹、Can iron plates be sprayed with real stone paint?
It is best not to. The adhesion of iron plates to real stone paint will be greatly weakened. If the adhesion of real stone paint is not strong, the service life will be greatly reduced. Generally, real stone paint is suitable for exterior wall decoration of mid-to-high-end residences, villas, commercial buildings, office buildings, star hotels, and office buildings. It is not suitable for iron plate surface decoration. Chenguang real stone paint is water-based and environmentally friendly, has good UV and weather resistance, and has strong self-cleaning function. If you really need to use real stone paint for decoration, you can sand it with sandpaper first, then scrape putty, apply primer, and finally spray real stone paint.

贰、Can real stone paint be sprayed on stainless steel?
Real stone paint can be sprayed on stainless steel.

叁、Will 304 stainless steel and real paint be combined?
Will 304 stainless steel and real paint be combined? The answer is: Will 304 stainless steel and real paint be combined? 304 stainless steel and real paint will be combined, and real stone paint can be sprayed on stainless steel. If real stone paint is sprayed on stainless steel, you need to spray the base coat first, and then spray real stone paint.
