Breakfast shop billboard design template

2024-09-22 16:48:07

I、How to choose a location for a breakfast restaurant
1. When choosing a location, you need to be discerning. First of all, we need to observe whether the selected location is convenient for transportation, whether it is easy to be noticed, and whether it is conducive to attracting customers. At the same time, it is necessary to consider whether the surrounding buildings will help create a commercial atmosphere and avoid choosing remote single-family buildings or separate stores. Use your intuition to determine whether the location is suitable for a breakfast restaurant and whether it has potential profitability.
2. Observe the flow of people for seven days. After initially determining the location, the number of vehicles and pedestrians per hour was counted during meal breaks and commuting times for seven consecutive days, including different groups of people such as the elderly, children, office workers, housewives, and floating populations. Draw trend charts based on these data and analyze consumption potential in order to position the breakfast shop franchise.
3. Make sure the door is clear and clear. The store entrance should be wide enough to facilitate parking of vehicles. Avoid large billboards or trees blocking views and lighting.
4. Ensure convenient transportation. Routes around the store should be clear and free of obstructions. Water repre sents wealth, so streets and highways also symbolize the flow of wealth. If the route is interrupted or blocked, it will not be conducive to attracting customers.
5. Avoid selecting triangular areas. In cities, avoid choosing locations in triangular areas. Such places are usually just passing by and it is difficult to form a stable consumer market. From a Feng Shui perspective, luck will also be dispersed here.
6. Stay away from unfavorable sharp corners. If there are sharp corners of buildings pointing directly in front of the store, or unfavorable objects such as lightning rods and bow and arrow signs, it is not advisable to choose this location. These factors are detrimental to opening a store.
7. Consider the neighborhood and school surroundings. Breakfast shop franchises are very popular in locations with many entrances to communities and near schools. Once you find a suitable location, act decisively.
8. Commercial office areas can also be considered. Due to the large flow of people around large commercial and residential buildings and business circles, you can consider opening a breakfast shop here.