Beijing billboard graphic design

⓵What is graphic design
In addition to the construction of three-dimensional physical objects, other planes used for publicity, such as billboards on TV, etc. are called graphic design

⓶What does graphic design mainly do?
Graphic designers mainly do advertising, renderings, signboards, etc.! Let me tell you this, the graphic design industry is easy to get started, and the skills are single. The employment market is seriously saturated, which makes companies overly picky and the wages are very low. The internship salary is 1,000, and the salary is 2,000+. But different places are different, and the amount of money is different
1. Planning artist: Responsible for the design and production of corporate promotional materials, and at the same time have certain copywriting and organizational skills; strong compre hensive ability is required, and the ability to use graphic design software, hand-painted posters, etc. They mainly work in shopping malls, hotels, entertainment venues, trading companies, etc., with a salary of 1,200-2,000 yuan. In the future, they can do planning, planning and management and enter the top management of enterprises!
2. Graphic art: Using computers to design and produce promotional materials requires proficiency in graphic design software and a certain art foundation. Mainly working in advertising companies, the salary is 1200-2000. In the future, you can be a creative director, but the age is generally no more than 35 years old, you must be creative!
3. Display art: It is a relatively new industry in China at pre sent. It is responsible for the window design and in-store layout of business places (mainly shopping malls and specialty stores). It is required to have the foundation of planning art, be creative, and have fashion and art sensitivity; initial salary is 1500-2500
4. Website artist: Responsible for the production of the website, it is required to be able to use the Three Musketeers of the web and graphic design software, and at the same time understand For some back-end codes, the company requires that they must be acquired, and the salary is 1200-2500. The future development is unclear!
5. Film and television drama artist: With "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" winning the Oscar, film and television art artist has also surfaced. With this major in film schools, needless to say, the development prospects! As for the salary, it depends on the individual's ability!
6. Stage artists: The beautiful effects on the annual "Spring Festival Gala" stage are all masterpieces of stage artists!
7 Photo Studio Artist: Responsible for making albums and processing photos in the wedding photo studio! Unemployment wages are around 1200-1500.
8. Inkjet printing artist: Responsible for the production of exhibition boards and the use of inkjet printing machines. To be pre cise, this job can only be regarded as operation rather than design. Generally, he works in an inkjet printing company. The unemployment rate is 1000-1300. Future development is to accumulate experience. Open your own shop!
9. Craftsman: Responsible for drawing patterns on handicrafts (usually on glass products). You need to have a certain art background. The wages are piece-rate, so the more work you do, the more you get!
