Shandong wall advertising manufacturers supply

1、What raw materials are used in paint formulas and wall advertisements that will not be washed away by rain?
Wall advertising paint paste consumables and pigment powders are sold directly by the manufacturer/exclusively for outdoor walls: sold by our company Special pigment powder for wall advertising is low in cost, bright in color, and durable. The area to be painted or sprayed is 2-3 times larger than that of ordinary paint. The color can remain unchanged for 5 years. The cost of wall advertising per square meter is about 0.2 yuan to 0.5 Yuan or so, greatly reducing the cost of wall advertising production. The formula of wall advertising pigment powder strictly adopts a neutral ratio, which does not react chemically with various acidic and alkaline walls, overcoming traditional paints and chemical pigments. Due to the pH requirements of the wall, resulting in defects such as fading, spotting and peeling, the special pigment powder for wall advertising will surely replace ordinary paint and chemical pigments and become a new raw material for wall advertising.
1. Red can be made from light-fast silver vermilion plus styrene-acrylic emulsion. Polyvinyl alcohol glue can also be used. The concentration and viscosity depend on the site and local seasonal climate.
2. For yellow, lemon yellow and styrene acrylic emulsion can be used. Polyvinyl alcohol glue can also be used. The concentration and viscosity depend on the local seasonal climate and site.
3. For blue, ultramarine 463 or above can be used plus styrene-acrylic emulsion.
4. Green can be blended with color paste and art green. Polyvinyl alcohol glue can be mixed with styrene-acrylic emulsion.
5. The white color is mostly titanium, light calcium and styrene-acrylic emulsion, with a suitable ratio; or calcium hydroxide can be used, but a filter is required.
6. The main black material is generally carbon black plus styrene-acrylic emulsion, with a suitable ratio.
Different wall advertising pigments require different ingredients because of their different compositions. If you want to increase the color and brightness of wall advertising, you can use styrene-acrylic emulsion for pre paration.
The use and proportion of wall advertising pigments
1. Use a sprayer
Ester ratio of pigments to water and polyvinyl alcohol
(1) Pigments should be treated with 1 part of water 1.5 parts polyvinyl alcohol glue 1.5 parts
(2) Pigment 1 part water 2 parts polyvinyl alcohol glue 1 part
2. Use a push roller or handwriting
Pigment 1 part water 1 part poly Stir the above formula of 1 part vinyl alcohol glue until it is evenly dissolved.
Formulation and production of polyvinyl alcohol glue (brand name 107 glue on the market)
Attachment: The polyvinyl alcohol currently sold in chemical stores is 12.5kg per bag and the price is 245 yuan per bag
Polyvinyl alcohol 12.5kg
}Glue formula
Water 200kg
Original production method:
Use a large iron pot, add 50kg of cold water, polyvinyl alcohol 3.125, soak for 2 hours, stir and add water to raise the temperature to 100°C and stir until the polyvinyl alcohol is completely dissolved.
Note: If you want to increase the color and brightness of wall advertising, you can use acrylic, styrene acrylic, or pure acrylic emulsion for pre paration.
