Live broadcast room billboard background

⒈What is the income from Douyin live streaming?

The main sources of income from Douyin live broadcasts are:

1. Monetization of rewards in the live broadcast room

The monetization of rewards in the live broadcast room is through the audience’s feedback on the anchor Give rewards. That is to say, we spend a certain amount of money to purchase relevant platform reward tools and release them when the anchor performs live broadcast.

2. Live streaming

That is, using the anchor’s reputation as a selling point, merchants’ products can be better marketed in this way. .

3. Pure commission CPS

By entering product keywords on the distribution platform, you can find high-commission products and bring them to sell the product quantity. To convert the advertising amount, pay and share based on sales.

4. Pit fee

Some big anchors and celebrities will set pit fees during live broadcasts. If you want products If you appear in a live broadcast, you have to take advantage of it first, and then the anchor will charge CPS commission based on the actual sales.

5. Brand exposure

Some merchants do not have physical products or the unit price of the products is too high. For example, cars, mobile phones, etc. will choose brand advertising, and Head anchors or vertical experts can guide viewers to download, follow or receive coupons during the live broadcast. After the live broadcast, it will be calculated based on the number of downloads and followers. It can also be a fixed price, similar to the pit fee.

6. Lianmai attracts traffic and monetizes

It is to detonate the live broadcast room through price bargaining with Lianmai, thereby completing sales conversion. Experts with traffic capabilities can connect with experts and merchants who need traffic, usually for a one-time fee + reward.

⒉What does the live broadcast room activity theme mean?
The live broadcast room activity theme refers to an event held on an online live broadcast platform that focuses on specific content. These activities sometimes revolve around a certain festival, social event or personally focused topic, or they may be pre cision marketing activities developed to attract fans or increase platform traffic. No matter what type of event it is, it needs to be carefully planned and organized to ensure that the flow, interaction and effect of the event meet the expectations and needs of the participants.
Nowadays, online live broadcast has become one of the important ways of people’s daily entertainment. As a new marketing method that is different from traditional TV or advertising, live broadcast room activities have a more flexible and direct interaction and communication method. They can enhance brand exposure and improve user stickiness through two-way communication and interaction between anchors and audiences. . Therefore, investing money and energy in live broadcast room activities can not only bring excellent marketing effects, but also promote the expansion of brand awareness and user groups.
In short, the live broadcast room activity theme is a marketing method based on the online live broadcast platform. When planning and organizing an event, the theme of the event needs to be clearly positioned so that participants can clearly understand the content and meaning of the event, thereby attracting them to participate and actively participate in the interaction. Through scientific planning and effective execution, the theme of live broadcast room activities can become an effective promotion method for marketing, allowing the brand's image and popularity to be better enhanced.
