Complete renderings of outdoor column billboards

本文目录一览壹、What is the approval process for outdoor billboards?
Each city has different requirements for the approval of outdoor billboards. Taking Chengdu as an example, the approval of outdoor billboards first requires applicants to bring business licenses and other documents. Go to the industrial and commercial administration department to apply. As for the specific regulations on the approval process for outdoor billboards, I will give you a detailed answer below.
1. Approval process for outdoor billboards
(1) The applicant goes to the administrative approval hall window to collect and fill in the "Outdoor Advertising Setup Application Form".
(2) The window of the administrative examination and approval hall receives materials.
                                                                                                                                                                         The relevant departments (the installation on the roads shall be received by the Municipal Affairs Department of the Bureau, and the installation on the buildings (structures) shall be received by the Municipal Appearance Division of the Bureau) for review.
(4) Make a decision to approve or disapprove.
(5) After approval, go to the administrative approval hall to apply for the "Outdoor Advertising Setup Certificate" after receiving the approval document.
2. Application materials
(1) Application report
(2) The applicant must provide an advertising registration certificate that has been reviewed by the industrial and commercial department.
(3) The lease contract of the owner of the building (structure) or the owner of the land use right of the site.
(4) Outdoor advertising design plan and production materials, with color renderings attached.
(5) Opinions of relevant agencies and units (Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Planning, Gardening, Public Security, Construction, Environmental Protection).
3. Commitment time limit
3 working days
3. Relevant legal basis
17th "Regulations on the Management of Outdoor Advertising and Signboard Settings in Chengdu" To apply for outdoor advertising, a written application must be submitted and the following materials must be provided:
(1) Proof of carrier ownership or right to use; (2) Carrier location relationship diagram;
(3) Design drawings and renderings of outdoor advertising facilities;
(4) Production instructions and safety maintenance measures for outdoor advertising facilities; (5) Other materials specified by laws, regulations and rules.
If it falls under the circumstances specified in Article 14 of these Regulations, the applicant shall submit an approval document issued by the planning or other relevant administrative departments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to be examined by the examination and approval department. If the application materials meet the conditions for establishment, permission will be granted; if the application materials are incomplete or do not comply with the legal form, the applicant shall be notified on the spot or within five days of all the materials that need to be supplemented at once. If the applicant fails to supplement the materials within the specified time, the application will be deemed to have been withdrawn. Applicants who still need to set up outdoor advertisements should reapply.

贰、What is the process required to build a pillar billboard outdoors?
First find out where the land property rights are where you want to install the single column, and negotiate with them to see if they agree to your occupation. If you agree, sign the relevant certificate of use, and then go to the Urban Management Bureau for consultation! Write an application, submit renderings, steel structure drawings, specifications and dimensions (normally 6M*18M*18M), wait for approval, pay urban space occupation fee----get the certificate--construction--investment!
Market price: between 120,000 and 160,000 (double-sided)

叁、Which departments should be contacted for the approval procedures of single-column billboards?
The approval procedures for single-column billboards are generally divided into content approval and setting approval. Content approval nationwide is the responsibility of industrial and commercial administration departments at or above the county level. According to the "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Highway Management Regulations", advertising companies build engineering facilities on both sides of the highway, within 30 meters on both sides of the highway, within 20 meters on both sides of the national highway, within 15 meters on both sides of the provincial highway, and within 15 meters on both sides of the county highway. Within 10 meters on both sides of the road, it shall be subject to the approval of the Provincial Department of Transportation. Outdoor advertisements on roads, squares, etc. in urban areas are subject to the approval of the Municipal Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau.
Single-column billboard approval procedures:
1. Materials required for application
1. Application report
2. The applicant must provide an advertising registration certificate that has been reviewed by the industrial and commercial department.
3. Lease contract between the owner of the building (structure) or the owner of the land use right of the site.
4. Outdoor advertising design plan and production materials, with color renderings attached.
5. Opinions from relevant agencies and units (Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Planning, Gardening, Public Security, Construction, Environmental Protection).
2. Application level
1. The applicant goes to the administrative approval hall window to collect and fill out the "Outdoor Advertising Settings Application Form".
2. Receive materials at the administrative approval **** lobby window.
3. Relevant departments (the installation on roads shall be received by the Municipal Affairs Department of the Bureau, and the installation on buildings (structures) shall be received by the Municipal Appearance Division of the Bureau) for review.
4. Make a decision to approve or disapprove.
5. After approval, go to the Administrative Approval Hall to apply for the "Outdoor Advertising Setup Certificate" after receiving the approval document.
3. Approval time limit
According to the commitment of the relevant competent authorities, the review will be completed within 7 working days, but it may be slightly different in different regions.
