
How to get a barbecue stall to sell beer on your behalf? I had some German beer! Each bottle is ten yuan! My profit is between 4 and 5! I just want to barbeque at a street stall
They won’t do it, because the profit of commission sales must be at least 30% to impre ss them. Nowadays, many breweries are based on this base, and it is the first time to pay for it. When doing re-ordering of goods, you don’t charge money for the first shipment until the second shipment comes in, and then you pay for the first shipment. Then there are advertising sponsorships and sales rewards. Advertising sponsorship means you help them make their light boxes. , or the same is true for signboards. For example, after you build this light box for 1,000 yuan, he will give you 1,000 yuan and you will give him 1,000 yuan of goods. This means that this light box costs no money, but the pre mise is that he can only sell your drinks, and the sales reward is Ten or fifteen boxes, one box free, etc. This is how domestic beer is now operated. I was the district manager of Qingdao before. I don’t know if I can help you.
