
1、Who owns the elevator advertising fees in the community?
1. The advertising fees for the elevators in the community actually belong to all owners. This is because the public space occupied by the elevator is jointly provided by each owner.
2. Although advertising fees are collected by property management companies, these revenues are usually not high. These funds are mainly used to supplement the special residential maintenance funds.
3. In some communities, positive income can even be achieved through advertising revenue, and this part of the surplus is sometimes returned to the owners in the form of dividends.
4. The property management company uses the common areas and facilities of the community to carry out commercial activities, such as advertising, and the income obtained shall belong to the owners in accordance with the provisions of Article 54 of the "Property Management Regulations".
5. These revenues are mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds, which are specially used for the repair, update and renovation of common parts of residences and shared facilities and equipment to ensure that these facilities can be effectively maintained.
6. In addition, subject to the decision of the owners' meeting, these funds may also be used for other projects or services deemed to be beneficial to the owners.
