
⒈What procedures are required for outdoor advertising?

1. The following conditions must be met:

1. The outdoor advertising publishing unit has obtained subject qualifications consistent with the application matters in accordance with the law;

2. Outdoor advertising The goods and services promoted are in line with the advertiser's business scope or scope of business;

3. The outdoor advertising publishing unit has the right to use the corresponding outdoor advertising media;

4. The location where the advertising is published , the form complies with the requirements of the local people's government's outdoor advertising planning;

5. The content of outdoor advertising complies with laws and regulations;

6. It must be approved by the relevant administrative departments according to regulations. The parties concerned have completed relevant approval procedures;

7. Other conditions stipulated by laws, regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

2. Submit the following application materials

1. "Outdoor Advertising Registration Application Form" signed and stamped by the legal repre sentative (person in charge) of the advertising publishing unit;

< p>2. "Outdoor Advertising Sample" stamped with the official seal of the issuing unit (two copies);

3. "Business License" of the outdoor advertising issuing unit or a business qualification document with equivalent legal effect ;

4. If the legal repre sentative handles the matter, he or she must provide his or her identity document, and if the person handles the matter without a legal repre sentative, the "Certificate of Authorized Agent" (with official seal) must be provided;

5. The advertiser's "Business License" or a business qualification certificate with equivalent legal effect;

6. Proof of the right to use the venue or facility where outdoor advertising is published, including property rights certificate of the venue or facility, use agreement, etc. ;

7. Those who are entrusted to publish outdoor advertisements shall submit the entrustment contract for publishing outdoor advertisements signed with the entrusting party, the entrusting party's "Business License" or a business qualification certificate with equivalent legal effect;

8. If the advertising forms, places, facilities, etc. are used to publish outdoor advertisements and require approval from relevant government departments in accordance with national or local government regulations, the approval documents from the relevant departments must be submitted;

9. To publish advertisements that require approval according to laws, regulations and rules, relevant approval documents must be submitted.

Extended information:

Outdoor advertising registration matters include:

(1) Name of outdoor advertising publishing unit;

(2) Outdoor advertising release location and specific location;

(3) Outdoor advertising release period;

(4) Outdoor advertising form, quantity and specifications;

(5) Outdoor advertising content.

The release period of outdoor advertisements approved and registered by the industrial and commercial administration authorities shall not exceed the time during which the applicant can legally use outdoor advertising media.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Outdoor Advertising Registration
