Street light pole LCD screen billboard

Can billboards on street light poles exceed curbs?
Whether billboards on street light poles can exceed curbs is a question that requires compre hensive consideration of many factors. Before answering this question, we need to understand the definition, function and related laws and regulations of billboards on street light poles.
First of all, billboards on street light poles refer to billboards installed on street light poles. Their main function is to convey advertising information to pedestrians and vehicles. This form of advertising is usually used in urban roads, highways, commercial areas and other places to attract people's attention and promote product sales and brand promotion.
However, whether it can exceed the curb requires the following factors to be considered:
1. Safety: Will the billboard pose a threat to the safety of pedestrians and vehicles after it exceeds the curb? If a billboard is too large or improperly positioned, it may obstruct the view of pedestrians and vehicles and increase the risk of traffic accidents.
2. Urban planning: Urban planning departments usually manage and regulate billboards in the city to ensure the overall image and traffic order of the city. If a billboard exceeds the specified height or location, it may violate urban planning requirements.
3. Environmental impact: The size and location of billboards will also have an impact on the surrounding environment. If a billboard is too large or improperly positioned, it may disrupt the urban landscape and affect the quality of life of surrounding residents.
Based on the above factors, generally speaking, billboards exceeding curbs require approval and permission from relevant departments. These departments will make assessments based on factors such as safety, urban planning and environmental impact, and make decisions based on actual conditions.
To sum up, whether billboards on street light poles can exceed curbs is a question that requires compre hensive consideration of many factors. On the pre mise of ensuring safety and complying with urban planning and environmental requirements, billboards can appropriately exceed curbs to improve the visibility and effectiveness of advertising. However, this requires approval and permission from relevant departments and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Are billboards allowed to be erected on street light poles?
There are no strict regulations on this point. Generally, expre ssways or highways are not allowed, and other places where there are no expre ss regulations are not allowed. It is allowed, of course the policies vary from place to place
