Can I remove the billboards on the front and rear of a new car I just bought?

广告牌 2024-09-23 02:11:46
⑴How late can a new car get a license plate?

New cars need to be plated as long as they are driven on the road, but if they have not been registered yet, they can apply for a temporary number plate.

The "Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates:

Article 11 When driving a motor vehicle on the road, the motor vehicle license plate, inspection certificate, and insurance certificate must be placed. sign, and carry your motor vehicle license with you. Motor vehicle license plates shall be hung in accordance with regulations and kept clear and complete, and shall not be intentionally blocked or defaced. No unit or individual may confiscate or detain motor vehicle license plates.

The "Motor Vehicle Registration Regulations" stipulates:

Article 45 If a motor vehicle has one of the following circumstances and needs to be temporarily driven on the road, the owner of the motor vehicle You should apply for a temporary driving license plate from the vehicle management office:

(1) Not sold;

(2) The motor vehicle has not been obtained after purchasing, transferring, giving, etc. Registration;

(3) Conducting scientific research and final testing;

(4) Registration is not allowed because the axle load, total mass, and outer dimensions exceed national standards Special type motor vehicle.

Extended information

The "Regulations on Procedures for Handling Road Traffic Safety Violations" stipulates:

Article 37: Counterfeiting Anyone who falsifies or alters or uses a forged or altered motor vehicle registration certificate, license plate, driving license, inspection mark, insurance mark, or driver's license shall be confiscated and destroyed after being punished in accordance with the law.

For those who use other vehicles’ motor vehicle registration certificates, license plates, driving licenses, inspection marks, and insurance marks, they shall be confiscated, punished in accordance with the law, and then transferred to the vehicle management office at the place where the motor vehicle is registered.

Article 38: Planting trees and other plants or setting up billboards, pipelines, etc. on both sides of the road and on the isolation belt, blocking street lights, traffic lights, traffic signs, and obstructing safety and visibility. , the traffic management department of the public security organ shall serve a notice of elimination of obstruction and blockade to the illegal actor, informing him of the time limit for performance and the consequences of non-performance. If the violator refuses to perform within the pre scribed time limit, he will be punished in accordance with the law and forced to remove obstacles. < /p>

⑵If the taillight of a parked car was damaged by someone else's billboard, will the insurance company cover it?

Car friends, this is really depre ssing. You have purchased car damage insurance for your new car. . My car damage insurance is the main insurance in commercial insurance. If you have purchased this main insurance at the same time, can you go to the insurance company for compensation? Additional insurance ----- If you don't count the free companion insurance, the insurance company can pay the bill for you. But generally speaking, many cars are purchased without deductible insurance. You can check your insurance policy.

Extended reading: [Insurance] How to buy, which one is better, and step-by-step instructions to avoid these "pitfalls" of insurance