Light box billboard boom screws

Lamp installation process

Lamp installation process

1. Ceiling lamp installation method and matters needing attention 1. Ceiling lamp installation method

(1) To fix the ceiling lamp, first place the chassis On the roof, draw the location for drilling according to the fixed position, and use an impact drill to drill a hole at the location to be installed. Use a hammer to fill the hole with fixings such as expansion screws. It should be noted that the load-bearing capacity of the fixings should match the weight of the ceiling lamp to ensure that the ceiling lamp is firmly fixed. (2) Ceiling lamp wiring: Pull out the wires on the roof from the holes in the chassis, and fix the chassis in the above position with screws. After fixing, connect the wires to the chassis wires, wrap the exposed wire connections with insulating tape, and finally install the lamp and lampshade. 2. Things to pay attention to when installing ceiling lamps (1) Pay attention to safety drilling size. For the safety of your family, for fixed lamps, if there are no special requirements, the wall openings are generally 6 mm. When using an impact drill for self-installation, be sure to install a matching drill bit. When drilling, pay attention to the drilling depth to ensure that the expansion screw is fully inserted. (2) Pay attention to the safety of the power line. The threads connected to the ceiling lamp power incoming wire should have good electrical contact. It is best to wrap them with black tape and keep a certain distance. If possible, try not to put the wire ends under the same piece of metal to avoid the risk of short circuit. 3. Installation methods and pre cautions for spotlights 3. Check that the boom is firmly connected. Generally, the boom of a chandelier has a certain length of threads, which can be adjusted up and down. In addition to carefully checking whether the chassis is securely fixed after installation, attention should be paid to the reliability of the connection for light boxes suspended under the sling boom. 1. Spotlight installation method (1) Plan to reserve the spotlight position. The spotlight installation method is mainly embedded installation. Generally, the wiring is reserved according to the decoration plan, and the decoration workers are allowed to drill holes in the ceiling and appropriately reserve the slots for the spotlights. . (2) Connect the spotlight to the empty slot of the spotlight, install the base, pull out the wires, and install the fixing screws. Connect the wire ends without forgetting the insulation, and finally install the spotlight part. 2. Precautions for installing spotlights (1) Pay attention to the need to install a transformer on the spotlight line. Although spotlights save energy, have high brightness and have strong decorative effect, they also have shortcomings that cannot be ignored, that is, the voltage is unstable and easy to explode. Therefore, when installing spotlights, a transformer must be installed to effectively pre vent explosions. (2) Pay attention to the proper installation of spotlights. The selection of lamps and lights must be appropriate, especially spotlights. If you blindly pursue the number of spotlights, it will cause light pollution and it will be difficult to achieve the ideal decorative effect. At the same time, excessive installation of spotlights is more likely to cause fire hazards.
