billboard inventory list

I、How to pre pare accounting entries for billboard company raw materials?
During the operation of an advertising company, the raw materials used to produce billboards generally account for a large proportion of the company's inventory. These raw materials are generally accounted for through "main business costs", "raw materials" and other subjects. How to make relevant accounting entries?
Accounting entries for billboard company’s raw materials
1. Accounting entries if the raw materials are directly used in advertising production:
Debit: main business cost
Credit: cash in inventory< br/>2. If the company management needs to go through the raw material warehousing procedures, and the materials are not directly used for advertising production, accounting entries:
Debit: raw materials
Credit: cash in stock
3. The materials are used for advertising, and the accounting entries when they are shipped out of the warehouse are:
Debit: Main business costs
Credit: raw materials
What are the main business costs?
Main business costs refer to the costs incurred by an enterprise in operating activities such as selling goods and providing labor services.
Enterprises should set up the "main business cost" account to conduct detailed accounting according to the type of main business, which is used to calculate the actual costs incurred by the enterprise due to daily activities such as selling goods, providing labor services, or transferring the right to use assets, etc. This account is debited and accounts such as "Inventory Goods" and "Labor Cost" are credited. At the end of the period, the balance of the main business costs is transferred to the "Profit for the Year" account, "Profit for the Year" is debited, and the account is credited. After the transfer, there is no balance in the "Main Business Costs" account.
What are the raw materials?
Raw materials belong to asset accounts. Debits repre sent increases and credits repre sent decreases.
Raw materials refer to various raw materials, main materials and outsourced semi-finished products that are processed by the enterprise to change its shape or nature during the production process and constitute the main entity of the product, as well as auxiliary materials that do not constitute the entity of the product but contribute to the formation of the product. . Raw materials specifically include raw materials and main materials, auxiliary materials, outsourced semi-finished products, spare parts for repair, packaging materials, fuel, etc.

II、How to budget for billboards?
The advertising budget is a calculation and allocation plan for advertising activity funds, and is also an important part of the overall advertising planning plan. The advertising budget proposes the amount of advertising expenses and a specific allocation plan.
1. The advertising budget book generally expre sses the expenditure, planning and allocation of the advertising budget in detail in the form of charts. The format and content of the advertising budget are specifically formulated based on the projects involved in different business needs. Generally, the straight columns are divided into projects, expenditure content, fees and execution time. The horizontal columns are detailed classifications of projects, such as market research fees, advertising design fees, advertising production fees, advertising media rentals, service fees, promotion and public relations fees, etc. An explanatory text is usually appended to the advertising budget to explain the contents of the budget.
2. The format and content of advertising budgets cannot be the same and depend on the specific business projects. Some items can also be specified. For example, the column of other miscellaneous expenses can be specifically divided into: post and telecommunications, transportation, travel, labor and other expenses. Items can also be added, such as advertising agency office or management fees, staff wages or service fees, etc.
