Design drawing of aluminum plastic board billboard at the entrance of tea shop

作者: 止伯晖, 发布: 2024-09-22 00:36:14

⊙ω⊙How to distinguish between good and bad ceramic tiles and what impact poor quality ceramic tiles have on the human body

How to identify good and bad ceramic tiles:

Look for pinholes on the glaze , spots, texture of the glaze, whether there is any color difference

Check whether the tiles are deformed;

Look at the water absorption rate of the tiles. When water is dripped on the back of the tiles, the smaller the diffusion area, the longer the drying time. Longer, the lower the water absorption rate, the better the quality;

Listen to the sound and knock the tiles with your hands. The sharper the sound, the better the quality;

Weigh the weight, the heavier the weight, the better the quality. The better;

Open the box and inspect to see if there is any damage. Take a piece of each product from different boxes and lay it flat to see if there is any color difference and size.


1. Inferior ceramic tiles contain more harmful substances

During the processing of poor quality ceramic tiles, the raw materials and processing methods used are not up to standard. There may be harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene after leaving the factory. If used for a long time, it is easy to Affect human health.

2. Inferior ceramic tiles are prone to black spots

The processing links such as raw material pre paration and glazing are irregular or have errors, and the produced ceramic tiles are prone to black spots and pinholes. However, these ceramic tiles that do not meet the quality standards are prone to problems such as accumulation of stains and bleeding of ceramic tiles during use.

3. Inferior quality tiles are prone to warping after being laid

After the tiles are laid, the tiles that do not meet the quality standard are prone to warping and other problems due to the unevenness of the tiles themselves. If the warping is severe, you may need to knock out all the tiles and redecorate them.

Extended information

Selection of home decoration tiles:

1. Splicing effect: Good tiles usually have size deviations Smaller, users can place a batch of products vertically on a flat surface to see if there are any unevenness. To check the flatness, you can put the edges of two bricks close together to see if there are any gaps. A good product will basically not deform, and the brick surface will be smooth and beautiful after paving. In addition, users can also look at the color difference of the product, put several bricks together, and examine them carefully under sufficient light. If the products have different shades of color, the overall effect after paving will be poor.

2. Check the label: The product packaging box should be marked with the factory name, factory address, product name, after-sales service phone number, specifications, quantity, trademark, production date and implemented standards. When purchasing porcelain tiles When doing so, you need to check whether there is a 3C certification mark. For ceramic tiles used in interior design and decoration, you should choose products whose radionuclides meet Class A requirements.

3. Take a closer look at the appearance: The glaze of ceramic tiles with excellent quality should be smooth and delicate, the gloss glaze should be crystal clear and shiny, and the matte glaze should be soft and comfortable. Under sufficient natural light or fluorescent lighting, if the brick is placed 1 meter away and observed vertically, no obvious glaze defects should be visible. The pattern of patterned ceramic tiles should be delicate and realistic, without obvious defects such as lack of color, disconnection, and misalignment.
