How much does it cost per square meter to produce rural wall advertisements?

作者:昌仲卿 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 09:33:45

本文目录一览Is there still a market for wall advertising in 2020?

Nowadays, going to the countryside to clean up walls has become the only way for Internet online game companies to enter the third to sixth tier markets. In fact, wall-painting advertisements full of local flavor, local characteristics, vivid images, easy to understand and remember are still one of the most classic and direct marketing methods in rural areas. When slogans such as agricultural supplies, electrical appliances, communications and family planning were gradually removed from the walls, "Getting rich depends on labor, being diligent and thrifty depends on", "Fellows meet fellows, go to Dangdang for shopping", "If you want a good life, hurry up and go to Dangdang" "Taobao" have become common slogans in urban and rural areas.

Aiming at this market, almost all e-commerce giants have started to make efforts since last year. The direct and effective method of "painting the wall at the end of the village" has become their necessary promotion method. Only is in the short term. In just one year, more than 8,000 wall-painting advertisements have been launched in 145 cities across the country, and this number continues to increase.

Publishing a wall advertisement in the rural market costs about 4,000 yuan a year, while choosing to place an advertising space of 40,000 yuan a month in the subway is enough to find a wall that can be used for 10 years in rural areas. The delivery effect should be much better than the advertising effect that flashes by in the city. Painting walls in rural areas is cost-effective and more targeted.

Nine main advantages for advertisers

1. High cost performance

Compared with other media, advertising costs are low.

2. Strong intuitiveness

Wall advertising is intuitive, because the wall advertising layout design is mostly solid colors, with bright and eye-catching colors, and the advertising text is concise, clear and popular. Easy to understand.

3. Directly to the terminal

Wall advertisements are mostly placed in terminal markets or towns, villages, and on both sides of highways. Without the interference of numerous media information, it is easy for the audience to remember the purpose of the advertisement. content.

4. Demonstration of strength

Because many well-known domestic companies and well-known brands choose wall advertising as a media for publicity, therefore, consumers in the end market have a strong interest in wall advertising. Information release is relatively recognized and the level of trust is also high.

5. Flexible placement

Wall advertising has wide coverage, reasonable layout, and flexibility. It can plan multiple ways of wall advertising based on the company's own market conditions and product positioning. Advertising placement planning and targeted operation of wall advertising projects.

6. Wait around the clock

Most wall advertisements are timely for more than one year, and they are constantly repeated to deepen the audience's impre ssion and circulate continuously every day.

7. Humanization

Wall advertising is more humane. Audiences can see it in different places and at different times, and wall advertising does not take up people’s time. It will cause the audience to have a rebellious psychology, but it can achieve the effect of advertising communication that is as clear as a drop of water.

8. Sense of belonging

Especially before and after the Spring Festival every year, it is the time when rural people return to their hometowns to celebrate the Spring Festival. Chinese New Year at home!

9. Big consumption

The rural population is large and the market consumption is huge. The consumption level in rural areas has improved and the economy is relatively good. Some families go out to work and return home with an income of 100,000-200,000 yuan a year. , released just in time for the Spring Festival.

Wall advertising

Reference materials: web links

What procedures are required to do wall advertising?
Generally, the following procedures are required to publish wall advertising:
①Copy of business license (stamped with official seal, marked consistent with the original) .
②Production license.
③Trademark registration certificate.
⑤Relevant approval documents for public service advertisements.
⑥Other industries must provide approval documents and relevant certificates from the competent authorities of the industry.
⑦ Relevant certificates must be provided when words such as "first" and "famous" are involved.

How is the price of wall advertising generally calculated now?
Wall advertising is generally calculated based on square meters.
The specific price will be determined according to the area where you place the advertisement, the materials used for the advertisement, the advertisement time and other parameters.
For example, wall advertisements in rural areas may cost more than ten or twenty yuan a year, while wall advertisements in cities with a large flow of people may cost thousands or even tens of thousands a year. So I can only tell you that it is calculated on a square basis, and the price ranges from 10 to tens of thousands.
Of course, there are some cases where the calculation is based on blocks. For example, if a wall advertisement is relatively small, you can quote directly based on how much it costs. Generally speaking, if you want to place a wall advertisement, you must first select the location. If the location is good, the price will be higher, if the location is poor, the price will be lower. In addition, if the wall advertisement is painted on the wall or posted, the price will be the final result. The price of this ad.

How much does hand-painted walls cost in Kunming?
The normal price of hand-painted paintings near Kunming generally ranges from 100-300 per square meter. Due to the relatively high painting requirements for hand-painted walls and the difficulty of painting some walls, the prices will vary. Because of the flexibility of wall painting, the price is also very flexible. Commonly used ones include: small hand-painted wall advertising patterns priced at 30 yuan to 50 yuan/square meter each
Advertising slogans 50 yuan to 80 yuan/square meter
Outdoor slogan substrate pictures 80 yuan to 800 yuan/square meter Rice
Vines and lines are relatively simple pictures, so the price is not high, 120-150 yuan/square meter;
Flowers and plants, mainly have more details and are not as coherent as lines, 120-150 yuan /square meter;
Cartoon characters and animals are relatively time-consuming. People and animals need to expre ss their expre ssions. Price: 150-300 yuan/square meter;
Freehand landscapes , generally there will be a large area to be painted, the area to be painted is large, time consumption and material price: 250-500 yuan/square meter.
Gongbi Chinese painting and realistic painting are complicated in workmanship, so the price is 400-800/square meter
Oil painting landscape, oil painting and realistic painting are very complex, needless to say, and require a higher level of painters The painting level price is generally more than 1,000 yuan/square meter
The complexity of the painting pattern, because hand-painted walls are generally painted by hand, the difficulty and ease of the painting pattern are directly related to the amount of labor spent.
The size of the hand-painted wall painting area is related to the cost of the hand-painted wall. The larger the project volume, the average unit price will be relatively low. Wall paintings of 70 to 80 yuan/square meter are generally quoted by companies with large project volumes.< br/>The distance of the construction site is also part of the cost. Because if the construction site is far away, it will involve travel expenses, accommodation fees, and the cost of time spent by personnel on the road.