
I、What is the slogan for a street stall that writes numbers from 1 to 500?

Ms. Huang, who lives in the western suburbs of Xi'an City, told reporters on July 5 that there was a stall promoting shampoo at the entrance of the Nanxiaoxiang Farmers Market, asking customers to write Arabic numerals from 1 to 500. The one who writes the correct answer in one breath will be awarded a camera, and the one who writes the wrong answer will have to spend 20 yuan to buy a bottle of shampoo. She felt there was something fishy in it;

The reporter then saw at the farmer's market a temporary red tent with a banner: "Write in order from 1 to 500, and those who write correctly will get a branded camera." ", there were several notebooks placed in front of the salesperson, and a middle-aged woman was writing Arabic numerals seriously. She got stuck just after writing "106", so she had to spend 20 yuan to buy a bottle of shampoo;

The shampoo says "Youth and Green Piao" on it, and the staff said it is from the "Mingle" brand, and the original price is more than 29 yuan. A promotion staff seemed very interested in the reporter and introduced enthusiastically that there is no time limit for writing from 1 to 500, and you can rest in between. He also showed the reporter the record of writing the correct 500 numbers. From mid-June to now, there are probably more than 50 The person wrote it correctly;

The reporter took a look at the camera as a prize. It was very light, had no Chinese brand name, and the instructions were printed vaguely. The salesperson said that the camera was a "Tom" brand and was worth 168 yuan, but our photographer could tell at a glance that it was a fake and inferior product that could be bought anywhere in the wholesale market for tens of yuan;

A psychology expert told reporters that writing from 1 to 500 seems to be a simple matter, but because people's attention cannot be highly concentrated for a long time, the chance of actually writing without making mistakes is very low. Businesses take advantage of consumers' To promote its products out of curiosity and greed;

Therefore, there is no game slogan.

II、How to write a brand for a street stall

Content of a street stall billboard:

1. Walk around and take a look if you don’t want to buy. Take a look and walk around. If you don’t want to buy, you can take a look.

2. Don’t deceive old people, don’t hide things from young people, and make publicity based entirely on quality.

3. We will not sell bad products and we will not cause damage to the country.

4. New styles and new creations are available to every household.

5. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and good things are not afraid of experiments.

6. Later friends didn’t see it, so I did the experiment for everyone on the spot. If you think it's good, you can pay and everyone is welcome to promote it.

7. Opportunities don’t come every day, so take action when it’s time to take action.

8. One set of products is not expensive, and it will be more favorable to buy several more sets.

9. Not seeking fame, not profit, not trying to earn more RMB. Advertising and promotion are not intended to make more money for you.

10. I am afraid of the wolf in front and the tiger in the back, and I will stay there all afternoon.

11. If you don’t dare to spend two or three hundred yuan, how can you become an entrepre neur in the future? Two to three hundred yuan is not expensive, and traveling all over the country is not expensive.

12. You can choose casually, other products cannot compare.

14. From large units to small units, from agencies and groups to the army, every household must have it.

15. Our products are good and are indispensable for a happy family.
