
⑴What are the charging standards for elevator advertisements in the community?

1. What is the general charging standard for residential elevator advertising?
Generally speaking, the cost of renting a residential elevator advertising is about 5,000 to 12,000 yuan. Of course, a detailed analysis of specific circumstances, such as differences in real estate and region, will affect this part of the rental cost. However, for many owners, they don’t know where the costs go, and they know little about the cost of elevator advertising. The editor recommends that owners pay attention to it.
2. Who should get the income from the elevator advertising in the community
I believe you can often see the elevator advertising in the picture, but whether this part of the cost belongs to the owner or the property has been controversial. . Judging from the current situation, most properties directly receive this part of the cost. For example, Century Garden Community in Zhangdian District can be said to be at the forefront of the city in terms of elevator advertising.

According to relevant personnel, the income is based on the principle of benefiting and using the people. Especially in the elevator advertising fee, there are two advertising spaces in the car and elevator door. They both took a pre mise that the owner agreed to and then advertised it. For example, Century Garden Community has a total of 137 elevators and about 274 advertising spaces. The annual income of each elevator is about 1,100 yuan. With the owner's consent, half of the elevator advertising revenue will be returned to the owner.
Of course, the relevant personnel have responded to the use of this income. At the same time, there is a principle that stipulates that elevator advertising revenue should be used to purchase elevator safety liability insurance, supplement elevator maintenance costs or dedicated line maintenance costs. At the same time, in order to make residents live more comfortably, the revenue and expenditure will be announced every quarter to make the revenue from elevator advertising fees more transparent.

⑵Who owns the advertising revenue in the elevators of the community?

The advertising revenue in the elevator rooms of the community belongs to the owners. Regarding the advertising fees inside the elevators of our country's residential communities, this issue should be based on the provisions of the "Property Rights Law". The owners of the residential complex have the exclusive right to use the units they purchased. It is pre cisely because of this that they belong to the owners. .

1. Who owns the advertising revenue in the elevator room of the community?

The advertising revenue in the elevator room of the community belongs to the owner. Regarding who owns the advertising fees for the elevators in the community and the "Property Rights Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the owners of the community have exclusive ownership of the purchased housing units and joint ownership of the shared parts of the building such as the exterior walls, elevators and corridors. In other words, the right to use and benefit from the elevator in the community should belong to the owner.

At the same time, owners have the right to know and supervise the use of shared parts, shared facilities and equipment, and related sites. The property management company has no right to dispose of the use rights of common parts of the building without authorization. Property management uses shared parts , those who share facilities and equipment for operation shall go through the procedures in accordance with regulations after obtaining the consent of the relevant owners, the owners' meeting, and the property management company. If the owners do not agree, the owners committee has the right to refuse advertisements from entering the community elevators.

Article 27 of the "Civil Law" The construction unit shall not dispose of the ownership or use rights of the common parts of the property, common facilities and equipment that the owner enjoys in accordance with the law without authorization.

2. What are the rights and obligations of the owners' committee?

The owners' committee is composed of owner repre sentatives in the property management area, repre sents the interests of the owners, and reflects the owners' interests to all parties in society. A private organization that regulates the wishes and requirements of property management companies and supervises the management and operations of property management companies. The basis of the owners' committee's power is its ownership of the property. It repre sents all owners of the property and has the power to make decisions on all major matters related to the property.

The owners' committee is elected by the owners' meeting or the owners' repre sentative meeting. Each term lasts for 2-3 years and can be re-elected. The members of the Owners Committee are served by the owners, and the director and deputy director of the Owners Committee are elected among the members of the Owners Committee. Generally speaking, a property management area establishes an owners committee, which consists of 5-15 people depending on the size of the property management area. For example, Beijing’s new regulations require that owners’ committees can be formed in new residential communities where the occupancy rate of commercial housing or affordable housing exceeds 50%, or where the first household has moved in for more than 2 years.

The owners' committee is the executive agency of the owners' conference, and its rights are:

(1) Convene meetings of the owners' conference and revise the owners' covenant and the articles of association of the owners' committee;

(2) Sign a property service contract with the property management company selected by the owners' meeting on behalf of the owner;

(3) Keep abreast of the opinions and suggestions of owners and property users, supervise and assist the property management company in performing property services Contract;

(4) Review the annual management work plan and annual cost budget;

In daily life, you can often see some small advertisements in the elevators of the community. The ownership of these sounds generated by advertisements is clearly stipulated in the Property Law. Normally, the elevator should be owned by the owner and have the right to use it jointly.
