Office building for rent billboard

一、Do the formaldehyde effects of several billboards placed in the office have a big impact?
The formaldehyde effect of several billboards placed in the office is generally not great, but the specific situation depends on the material, production process and indoor ventilation of the billboards. Evaluate the situation and other factors.
Generally speaking, the materials for making billboards mainly include PVC boards, KT boards, acrylic boards, etc. These materials themselves do not release harmful gases such as formaldehyde. However, in the production process of billboards, some auxiliary materials such as glue and paint containing formaldehyde may be used. Therefore, if the production process of billboards is not environmentally friendly enough, or the indoor ventilation is poor, it may lead to an increase in the release of harmful gases such as formaldehyde, which will cause certain harm to human health.
In order to reduce the harm of harmful gases such as formaldehyde, it is recommended to maintain a good ventilation environment in the office and regularly inspect and maintain billboards. If it is found that there are problems such as excessive formaldehyde on billboards, timely measures should be taken to deal with them, such as replacing environmentally friendly materials and increasing indoor ventilation.
In short, although the formaldehyde effect of a few billboards placed in the office is generally not great, you still need to remain vigilant and take necessary measures to ensure the safety of indoor air quality.

二、How to write a notice from the office building property to the tenants to take down the billboards in the corridor
Owners of each floor:
To ensure a clean environment in the office building, please remove the billboards in front of their respective doors. Take it down. If there is still a billboard after three days, we will treat it as an unowned advertisement and remove it. Please tell each other that a good environment requires everyone to work together to maintain it.
Property Office
