Zhuhai billboard safety testing unit

⒈The "Eight Don'ts" Regulations on Environmental Protection in Zhuhai City
The first article is to strengthen the city's environmental management, protect people's health, and build the city into a modern garden style with beautiful environment As a coastal city, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and in light of the actual situation of our city. Article 2: These regulations apply to the urban areas of our city. Article 3 The Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau is the administrative department in charge of environmental protection work in our city. It is responsible for the city's environmental supervision and management, and coordinates relevant departments to do a good job in the "eight no-nos" of environmental protection.
The municipal planning, foreign economic and economic cooperation, economic association, land, planning, industry and commerce, urban construction and other departments must work together to do a good job in environmental protection according to their respective functions and control the "eight inaccuracies". Article 4 It is not allowed to build buildings above the 25-meter contour line of the hillside that are not for tourists to rest and enjoy, so as not to obstruct the mountain view. Special circumstances require approval from the Municipal People's Government. Article 5 Buildings are not allowed to be built within the pre scribed limits by the seaside or riverside to pre vent blocking the sea or river scenery.
Buildings are generally not allowed to be built within a depth of 30 meters along the Qianshan River and within a depth of 50 meters along the coast. Projects that really need to be constructed must be reported to the municipal planning, land, environmental protection and other departments for review, and submitted to the municipal people's government for approval. Chachun
If the buildings originally built on both sides of the sea and rivers do not meet the planning requirements, they must be rectified, relocated or demolished. Article 6 It is not allowed to build buildings in scenic spots and parks (including planned scenic spot parks) that are not for public recreation, rest or viewing.
When constructing buildings for public recreation, leisure and viewing in scenic areas and parks, the design plans must be reviewed by the planning department. Article 7 It is not allowed to open stone quarries indiscriminately to pre vent damage to the environmental landscape and pre vent water and soil erosion.
(1) New sand and stone quarries are not allowed to be opened in urban areas.
(2) The establishment of a new sand or stone quarry outside the urban area must be submitted to the urban construction and planning department, and the municipal land department and mining committee shall review and submit it to the municipal people's government for approval.
(3) Sand and stone quarries that are being mined must be marked with stakes, and work must be done while mining, renovating, and greening to pre vent environmental pollution and soil erosion. Stone quarries that pollute seriously, destroy the ecological balance, and do not take measures should be closed.
(4) For sand and stone quarries that have stopped mining, the original mining unit must do a good job in renovating and repairing the sand and stone quarries. If the original mining unit fails to perform its duties, the environmental protection department will hire a construction team to carry out rectification, and the original mining unit must bear the cost of rectification and restoration. Article 8 It is not allowed to build projects with large chimneys or serious pollution to pre vent environmental pollution.
(1) Coal-fired boilers are not allowed, and tall chimneys that do not meet environmental protection and urban planning requirements are not allowed. If it is really necessary to set up a wall, it must be approved by the municipal government.
(2) No new serious pollution projects such as electroplating, papermaking, pulping, tanning, smelting, bleaching and dyeing, petrochemicals, and garbage disposal are allowed; the production of pesticides, mercury products, arsenic products, lead products, radioactive products, etc. is not allowed. products, benzidine, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos products and other products containing highly toxic pollutants or strong carcinogens. Article 9 It is not allowed to install billboards indiscriminately to pre vent them from impeding the city appearance and street view.
(1) Any unit or individual is not allowed to randomly set up billboards on both sides of the city's roads and streets. All types of advertisements that need to be posted must be applied to the industrial and commercial administration department in the jurisdiction. After review and approval, they will be stamped with "Advertising Approval" After completing the "Chapter", you must go to the municipal planning department for final approval before you can post advertisements in the designated advertising column.
(2) The advertising design plan shall be reviewed by the municipal industrial and commercial department and then sent to the planning department for approval. Article 10: Noise in the city is not allowed to exceed 45 decibels to pre vent sound pollution.
(1) Projects with large noise pollution and equipment with large noise and vibration are not allowed to be built in urban areas. The original above-mentioned items or equipment must be rectified within a time limit. Projects that are difficult to manage must be dismantled or relocated.
(2) The management of construction noise, traffic noise and various social noises shall be carried out in accordance with relevant municipal regulations. Article 11 It is not allowed to build any building without parking lot. In particular, all types of large buildings and residential buildings must be guaranteed to have their own parking lots. The first floor and underground of residential buildings must be reserved as parking lots and cannot be allocated.
(1) When constructing large buildings or construction areas, the construction of supporting parking lots must be considered at the same time. The design plans shall be reviewed by the planning department. Larger buildings without parking lots are not allowed to be built.
(2) The user unit must properly manage the parking lot that has been delivered for use, and vehicle parking must comply with the regulations of the public security and traffic police department. Article 12 These regulations shall be interpre ted by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Article 13: These regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.
