billboard fixed on wall

I、What is the billboard poster called? What is the billboard hanging on the wall called?
What is the abbreviation of the billboard?

The abbreviation of the billboard is a signboard.

The shop sign is the signboard of the store, and some places call it "Zhaozi". From the perspective of brand promotion, a good store sign in a bustling area is not only a symbol of where the store is located. The main requirements for a good shop sign are standard color (words), width, length, cleanliness, and brightness. The requirements for surrounding lighting include brightness, distance between lights, and lighting time.

Historical sources

Guise, also known as "rumor", "market recruitment", "recruitment" "Polo", the prototype of the signboard. In the old days, a guise was hung at the front of a shop as a shop sign to mark the nature of the business. Cover can be roughly divided into the following four categories: Literal cover. Some are made of wooden boards, and some have a curtain hung on the top of the pole. The writing on it is small but pre cise. In the tavern, the word "wine" is written.

Write the word "dang" for a pawn shop, "ready-made clothes" for a tailor shop, "plastic surgery" for a barber shop, etc. There are also some with a slightly longer number of words, such as the midwife writing "Quick horse riding lightly, a certain family cleansing". Be concise and clear at a glance. Image guo. Use the model of the product as a "cover", such as hanging a wooden fish in a fish shop, hanging a note in a noodle shop, or a picture of plaster selling plaster.

There are various names for the publicity boards hanging on the wall. For example, if it is a whole wall, it is called an image wall. If it is just a board, it is called a LOGO board. The big and long billboards hanging on the wall in the subway aisles are called light box advertisements. 1. The sign hanging at the door of the company is called a sign. 2. In principle, the city’s party, government and mass organizations at all levels and public institutions with independent legal person status should hang signs. There are three types of signs: strip signs, square signs, and door signs. The indoor wall-mounted billboards with only text messages and logos in the glass are called LED billboards. It is a new type of electronic light box that can be written with a special pen. The price is reasonable and the effect is particularly good for indoor use. What is the name of the billboard in the shopping mall that is propped on the ground and can be folded up and taken away at any time?

The kind of billboards in shopping malls that are propped on the ground and can be folded up and taken away at any time are mobile billboards_paper salary rake table Α thin


Roll-up banners, also known as poster stands and display stands, are stand-up promotional posters. Commonly found in street passages with a lot of traffic, assisting self-employed roadshows or temporary stalls. The main material of roll-up banners is plastic or aluminum alloy. Alternatives to roll-up banners are street banners, road flags, posters, stickers, etc.

Roll-up banners are also called poster stands and display stands. They are also called roll-up stands, roll-ups, roll-ups, etc. in the advertising industry. They are vertical promotional posters that are commonly seen in Street passages with high traffic flow can assist self-employed roadshows or temporary stalls.

The structure of the roll-up is a scroll on the ground. From the ground upward is a shrinking column with a buckle on the top of the column. When used, a scroll is pulled out from the scroll. Upright poster attracts the attention of passersby.

The roll-up banner is suitable for conferences, exhibitions, sales promotions and other occasions. It is one of the most frequently used and most common portable exhibition equipment.

II、Explanation of hanging advertising terms

Hanging advertising refers to a form of advertising in which a product or brand is hung in a conspicuous position to attract consumers' attention and convey advertising information.

This form of advertising is usually hung in public places, buildings, vehicles, etc. to attract the attention of passers-by and arouse their interest. Suspension advertising usually consists of suspensions, support poles and billboards.

Suspended objects are objects used to hang billboards, which can be ropes, chains, steel wires, etc.; support poles are used to support billboards, and can be metal poles, bamboo poles, etc.; billboards It is used to convey advertising information, which can be printed matter, plastic plates, metal plates, etc.

The advantage of hanging advertising is that it is simple and intuitive, easy to produce and low cost. At the same time, due to its conspicuous hanging position, it can attract a lot of eyes and attention, thereby effectively conveying advertising messages. In addition, hanging advertisements can also enhance their appeal and visual effects through creativity and design to better convey advertising messages.

Hanging advertisements also have some disadvantages. Due to the limitation of its hanging position, it may cause damage to urban landscape and buildings. Due to its simple and intuitive characteristics, it may be regarded as a vulgar form of advertising, thus affecting the brand's image and credibility. Due to its low production and maintenance costs, it may also lead to unstable advertising quality and unreliable effects.

Sentences for hanging advertisements:

1. A hanging advertisement for a new type of mobile phone was displayed in his window, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

2. An exquisite coffee cup hanging advertisement is hung on the wall of the cafe, making the entire space more atmospheric.

3. This clothing store hung a beautiful clothes hanging advertisement at the door to attract customers to visit the store.

4. In the supermarket, various products are carefully placed on the shelves, with their hanging advertisements hanging above the shelves.

5. In the bar, an exquisite beer bottle hanging advertisement is hung on the wall, making the entire space more distinctive.

6. This restaurant hangs a hanging advertisement of food at the door, allowing people to imagine the taste of food in advance.

7. In the beauty salon, an exquisite hanging advertisement for beauty products Zhengju is hung on the wall, attracting the attention of many beauty lovers.

8. In the gym, a hanging advertisement for fitness equipment is hung on the wall to encourage people to exercise actively.

9. This bookstore hung a hanging advertisement for a new book at the door, attracting the attention of many book lovers.

10. A beautiful hanging advertisement for sunglasses was hung on the wall of the shopping mall, attracting the attention of many passers-by.
