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Kunming billboard falling incident news today

本文目录一览Where to make advertising signs in Kunming
The places where advertising signs are made in Kunming are mainly concentrated in advertising production companies or professional sign making shops.
Kunming, as the capital of Yunnan Province, is a city with relatively rapid economic development, and the advertising industry is also booming. In this city, you can find many professional advertising production companies that provide one-stop advertising signage design, production and installation services. These companies usually have advanced production equipment and professional design teams, and can customize personalized advertising signs according to customer needs.
For example, an advertising company located in the center of Kunming provides various types of advertising signage production services. Whether it is a large outdoor billboard or a small indoor sign, they can design and produce it according to the customer's specific requirements. Such companies often have rich industry experience and innovative design concepts, which can ensure the best visual and publicity effects of advertising signs.
In addition to professional advertising companies, Kunming also has some small signage production shops. These shops may be small, but they also have considerable craftsmanship and experience in signage production. They usually focus more on traditional handicraft production and can provide customers with more detailed and unique advertising signs. Whether it is a large company or a small shop, Kunming's advertising signage production industry has shown a diversified and professional development trend, meeting the needs of different customers.
In general, there are many places in Kunming where advertising signs can be produced, and customers can choose the appropriate manufacturer or store based on their needs and budget. Whether you are a large advertising agency or a small production shop, you can find an advertising signage solution that suits you in this vibrant city.

Where are the billboards in Kunming?
Confucian Temple Straight Street, directly opposite the Confucian Temple, or next to the Jingxing Flower and Bird Market. Old Kunming people should know the location. If you can't find a taxi to the Confucian Temple, cross the road opposite An old street is Wenmiao Street.
How to charge for taxi billboards in Kunming
1. Execution of regular publication prices: time category, time period, price/time, advertising capacity
7 a.m. - 9 a.m., 17-19 p.m. 700 yuan
7:00-9:00 pm, 600 yuan
9:00-10:00 am, 16:00-17:00, 500 yuan
6:00-7:00 am, 10:00 noon-pm 16:00, 21:00-22:00, 400 yuan
4:00-6:00, 22:00-24:00, 260 yuan
2. Column naming: column, broadcast method, frequency/day, Broadcast duration, naming fee
Weather forecast (customer naming) reminds you to pay attention to weather changes, 10 times, 1 minute, 880 yuan;
Date reminder (customer naming) reminds you that today is?, 20 times , 1280 yuan;
The hourly time (named by the customer) will tell you the time?, 20 times, 1280 yuan.

3. Multicast plan:

Multicast category
Multicast method
Broadcast duration
Multicast price
15 seconds
1200 yuan

Any combination of A period Broadcast three times

30 seconds
1,500 yuan

Broadcast three times in any combination during A+ period
1,800 yuan< br>
04:00---24:00 Broadcast every two hours
3,600 yuan

04:00---24 :00Broadcast once an hour
 6700 yuan

 04; 00---24:00Broadcast twice an hour
 9900 yuan

04:00---24; 00 Broadcast three times per hour
12,000 yuan

Coverage delivery within the A+ period

10-minute loop broadcast
8,800 yuan

Coverage placement in period B
5,800 yuan

C Coverage delivery within the time period
2800 yuan
编辑于:2024-09-22 05:35:21