Clothing store billboard color matching renderings

1、What color proportions should the clothes in a clothing store be placed in to look good and attractive?
A mature brand image can leave a deep visual impre ssion on people. This is what Dior, Chanel, and Gucci do The reason why internationally renowned brands can be widely known. They maintain consistency in font design, color matching, product style and terminal image promotion.
So, why should clothing companies pay attention to the design and display of terminal stores? First of all, a unified store image is equivalent to setting up an outdoor billboard in the bustling business district of each city, and its influence is obvious. Secondly, with the development of the brand, the products will be gradually serialized, and the display will be uniformly trained and implemented by the company to ensure the vividness and attractiveness of the store.
Store promotion is a systematic project, the key to brand development and the basis for achieving win-win results. Therefore, clothing companies and franchisees must pay attention to store operation and management.
Design skills for terminal stores include:
1. Style positioning: Make it clear whether the brand is casual or formal, men's or women's wear. Casual clothing stores should create a relaxed atmosphere, use rhythmic background music, strong color contrast and dazzling lighting. Formal wear is the opposite.
2. Color and lighting: Ensure that the store colors are coordinated and the clothing and decoration colors complement each other. Use spotlights wisely to highlight items. Choose the appropriate light color based on the season and type of clothing.
3. Fitting room: Provide a comfortable fitting environment to increase customers' willingness to purchase. The fitting rooms of high-end women's clothing stores can be equipped with wool carpets, dressing tables and small perfumes.
4. Shelf layout: Reasonably plan the walking space and set up main aisles and secondary aisles. The width of the main channel is not less than 120 cm, and the width of the secondary channel is not less than 80 cm. Place an image backdrop next to the main entrance or main passage.
5. Display skills:
-Same color matching: Place clothes of the same color to create a sense of harmony and avoid mixing clothes of the same style and length.
-Contrast color matching: Use cold colors to set off warm colors, pay attention to proportion and avoid even distribution.
-Use live areas: Place the main styles in areas that can easily attract customers’ attention.
-Control the number of models: Avoid too many models to avoid giving the impre ssion of poor quality.
-Use live models: Store salespersons serve as live models, and their clothing can promote sales.
-Time control: Adjust the display and model clothing according to different customer groups.
-Rhythm: Avoid rigid color distribution and create a rhythmic display effect.
Correctly grasping clothing store management skills is crucial to improving sales and brand image. For more information, please refer to: [Link](

2、What color should be used for clothing store billboards?
The most eye-catching color should be green. Too much contrast will be dazzling. Add some yellow to the green. Yellow-green handle.
