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Billboard within 4,000 yuan

?ω?How do you calculate the price for making luminous characters on billboards?
If it is less than 1 meter, it will be calculated based on the longest side, and if it is more than 1 meter, it will be calculated based on the actual size.

Within 1 meter, it is calculated based on the longest side. For example, if the size of a word is 50*60, it is regarded as 0.6 square meters. The price of a word is 400*0.6=240 yuan. If it is over 1 meter, the actual size will be used.

If the font does not exceed one meter, it will be calculated based on the longest side: For example, 0.9 meters high * 0.6 meters wide, the font is 0.9 square meters
If the font exceeds one meter, it will be calculated based on the longest side: For example 0.95M*1.2M, the font is 1.2 square meters
The double-sided font is more than one meter, calculated according to length*width: For example, 1.2M*1.2M, the font is 1.44 square meters

Generally calculated in centimeters Price, the area of ​​luminous characters over 1 meter is calculated by multiplying the length by the width. The price of making characters = area multiplied by the price per square meter. For example: For example, if you want to make a character that is 1.2 meters high and 1 meter wide, and the price is 800 yuan per square meter, then the price of making characters = area 1.2 times 1.2 times 800 = 1152 Yuan. 2. The price for the area of ​​luminous characters under 1 meter is based on length multiplied by one centimeter.

For example, if you want to make a character that is 80 cm high and 60 cm wide, the area is multiplied by 1 according to the largest stroke of the character. The quality of the products is also different. Can be used as luminous fonts.

Extended information:

Purchase qualified LED single lamp grains produced by regular manufacturers (quality parameter description provided by the manufacturer is required) and make the module yourself. Do not buy single LED lamp particles or pre -made modules in the electronic market for cheap. If you want to buy a module, you should clearly see how many resistors are installed on the module. It is best not to use a module with one resistor installed.

The resistor plays a current limiting role in the module and can easily generate heat. If used continuously for a long time, once the resistor burns out, the module will not light up. LED lights generally don't break. Don't throw away the module, just replace it with a resistor of the same value and it can be used normally. This can save money for the production unit.

In order to reduce trouble and save money, it is best to choose a module with two resistors installed. In addition, it is necessary to understand the production facilities of the supplier who makes the modules to see whether they use anti-static facilities when making the modules. If there are no additional anti-static facilities, the LED lamp can easily be damaged by breakdown even if the resistor is not burned out during use.

In order to reduce trouble and save money, it is best to choose a module with two resistors installed. In addition, it is necessary to understand the production facilities of the supplier who makes the modules to see whether they use anti-static facilities when making the modules. If there are no additional anti-static facilities, the LED lamp can easily be damaged by breakdown even if the resistor is not burned out during use.

+△+How much budget do you need to open a fruit shop?

The cost of most small fruit shops is 15-20W, but the shop rent in different locations is different. It is best to estimate the cost and go out and ask about the shop rent. , decoration, equipment cost investment, these are the big questions, and you will probably have a good idea.

1. Before opening a store, you need to have some estimates of the customer base

That is, who do you plan to sell the fruit to, whether it is bosses, white-collar workers, students, community residents, or the elderly, the target There is not necessarily just one kind of crowd, there can be many kinds. But there are only one or two types that can bring you the greatest profit. Just serve these two types of customers well, because they bring you more than 80% of your profits. You can't satisfy everyone, satisfying most people is success. An introductory learning and communication circle for opening a fruit shop owner. Use the search function under the circle of friends to search for fruit shop morning reading classes. The circle has invited more than 300 fruit shop owners to join! It’s not easy to open a store, so I’m grateful to have a group of mentors and helpful friends!

2. It is not that easy to make money after investing.

The fruit industry depends on your dedication. It is not difficult to learn about fruits. It just depends on how you learn it. , it can be as fast as half a year, as slow as 1 year, or even longer. Many people think that the fruit trade is very simple, but in fact it has many connotations. If you really want to learn this trade, you must always ask others. The same product can be sold by others but cannot be sold by oneself. That is because other people have a lot of customers and walk a lot, so they can sell it, but they have less customers and sell it cheaply. In the end, they may lose money. Moreover, if you want to open a store, you must be pre pared to work fifteen or six hours a day. You will wake up early and stay late at night, with no freedom, no friends, and no rest. This business is too tiring, and there is no turning back. To share more experiences on how to get started with opening a fruit shop, search the function in Moments and search for fruit shop morning reading lessons.

3. Learn more about the market before opening a store

If you have the idea of ​​opening a fruit store, you must focus on learning and invest some time to see it. Find out what you need to pre pare when opening a fruit shop. It would be best if you can save your money and go to work in a fruit shop to learn. You will be familiar with how to take care of fruits in a fruit shop, how to purchase them, how to pre serve them, etc. You can learn a lot. This is much better than trying to figure out nothing. The price of the same fruit will be different if its origin, size, taste, and appearance are different. The positioning of a boutique fruit store is for customers with strong spending power. Customers think it is expensive because the customer's consumption level cannot reach it. Just like selling a house, a large villa and a house that is just needed, its positioning is different.

编辑于:2024-09-22 20:12:03