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1、What institutions provide interview training for civil servants in Xingyi? Which institution is better?

Hello, Huatu Education is at your service.

For Xingyi civil servant interview training, you may consider Huatu.

Huatu Online School is a high-end online distance education brand under Huatu Education Group, a well-known training institution in the country. It integrates the advantageous educational and teaching resources of Huatu Education Group’s ten years of tutoring for public officials, and has the most advanced courseware production technology in the country. After years of development, Huatu Online School has become a domestic public service training system (civil servants, public institutions, police recruitment, courts, procuratorates, military transfers, selected students, village officials, political and legal police, three branches and one support, township civil servants, party and government officials (optional) remote tutoring.
Huatu Online School's online courses have formed a set of scientific, reasonable and effective "module teaching method" coaching methods in many years of teaching, maintaining the consistent excellent quality and pure blood of the Huatu brand, integrating modern distance education and Combining the advantages of traditional education, we carefully compile classic lesson plans based on the characteristics of public service students to provide multi-level and all-round services to the majority of students, ensuring the high quality and high level of the "four-stage step-by-step" coaching courses for public service examinations. Really improve the quality of teaching and the quality of students, so that the majority of students can successfully pass the exam.

For more detailed information, please visit: https://htwx.huatu.com/guizhou/gwy/

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Huatu Education Enterprise.

2、I accidentally saw a TV commercial for 96133 for loans. I am in Xingyi, Guizhou, and I want to get a loan to do business. I don’t know how to apply for a loan?
Hello, personal business loans refer to banks that, in order to support the development of the private economy, private enterprises, and self-employed individuals, and in compliance with relevant national policies, launch loans for individuals to use for capital needs in production and business activities. Loans are designed to help individuals who urgently need to develop their careers to achieve their goals as early as possible.
At pre sent, many banks have launched short-term small-amount personal entrepre neurial financing services, which can often play a role in providing timely assistance to operators in the entrepre neurial stage. As early as August 2003, financial institutions such as Bank of China, China Everbright Bank, Guangdong Development Bank, and China CITIC Bank successively launched the "Personal Entrepre neurship Loan" project, while the Agricultural Bank of China launched the "Personal Production and Operation Loan Management" as early as September 2002. Method" and has been running.
However, due to the large market demand for entrepre neurial loans, the application threshold for such loans is relatively high. There are many applicants, but few are getting money. The reason is that banks are commercial institutions after all, and the first consideration when granting loans is the safety of funds. For the sake of the safety of loan funds, the threshold is often raised slightly, or in other words, more stringent.
Therefore, strict loan evaluation has become one of the characteristics of entrepre neurial loans. Banks generally require three conditions: pledge, mortgage and guarantee when providing loans to individuals or businesses. If you can provide the information required by the bank and provide suitable collateral, it is not difficult to get a loan. Generally, funds can be obtained within one month after providing complete relevant information and supporting materials.
Application conditions
(1) Be at least 18 years old, have a legal and valid identity certificate and a legal residence certificate for the location of the loan bank, and have a fixed residence or business place; (2) Hold a certificate issued by the industrial and commercial administration authority business license and business licenses in related industries, engage in legitimate production and business activities, have stable income and the ability to repay principal and interest; (3) the borrower has a certain amount of its own funds for the investment project; (4) purpose of the loan It complies with relevant national laws and the Bank's credit policy and is not allowed to be used for equity investment; (5) Open a settlement account with the Bank, and the operating income will be settled through the Bank.
In addition, there are some requirements from the opening bank, such as a settlement account must be opened by the bank so that daily settlement can be carried out through the handling bank.
Application Materials
When applying for this type of loan, there are three important points:
First, the loan applicant must have a fixed residence or business place. Secondly, a business license and operating permit, stable income and the ability to repay principal and interest; thirdly and most importantly, the entrepre neur has a certain amount of his own funds for the project he invests in.
Only those who meet the above conditions can apply to the bank. The information required when applying mainly includes: proof of marital status, personal or family income and property status and other repayment ability documents; relevant agreements and contracts for loan purposes; Guarantee materials, including ownership certificates and lists of collateral or pledges, and a mortgage (pledge) valuation report issued by an appraisal department recognized by the bank.
In addition to written materials, there must be collateral. There are many types of mortgages, including movable and real estate mortgages, time deposit certificate pledges, securities pledges, highly liquid movable assets pledges, and qualified guarantor guarantees. The amount of payment is determined based on the specific guarantee method.
Amount Requirements
Entrepre neurship loan amount requirements are generally: the maximum amount does not exceed the total amount of liquidity required by the borrower for normal production and operation activities, purchase (installation or repair) of small equipment (machines), and franchise chain operations. 70%;
The term is generally 2 years, and the maximum term is no more than 3 years, of which the maximum term for production and operating working capital loans is 1 year;
Personal entrepre neurship loans are subject to the term loan interest rate promulgated by the People's Bank of China , can float up or down within the specified range.
Loan repayment method
1. For personal business loans with a loan period of less than one year (including one year), the principal and interest will be repaid in one lump sum upon maturity, and the interest will be paid off along with the principal;
2. Loan For personal entrepre neurial loans with a term of more than one year, the principal and interest repayment method of the loan can be the equal principal and interest repayment method or the equal principal repayment method, or other methods agreed upon by both parties.
The relevant pre ferential treatment policies depend on your local government. Some local governments are trying to find ways to help private enterprises and individual entrepre neurs in order to encourage them. I hope my answer can help you.
