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What should you pay attention to when joining a clothing store?

Nowadays, many brands have been born in the clothing market, and franchisees need to do a few things if they want to choose a good brand to cooperate with. Things only work. To join a brand clothing franchise, you need to "see, touch, listen, ask, observe, and compare." Nowadays, brand clothing production is springing up like mushrooms after a rain, which makes people feel confused and overwhelmed. The editor of Women's Clothing Network reminds everyone that to choose a suitable brand to join, you need to do the following 6 things:

1. "Look" means to look at the strength of the clothing franchise company

Nowadays, there are many heretical self-employed people "raising the banner and making tiger skins". They do some work similar to brand packaging in terms of appearance and image. They also want to follow the trend of brand management, but they are extremely unwilling to do so. Systematic, incomplete and unprofessional. Brand management is by no means superficial, but practical. This requires strength to support this series of supporting work, such as the company's size, economic strength, operating history, whether it is still in the rising stage, and the level of management.

2. "Touch" means touching the real thing

The key to our choice of business lies in the product, because the product is in direct contact with consumers. If consumers do not accept it, everything will become useless. Meaningful futility. Therefore, for branded products, it attaches great importance to product development and positioning of style and personality. It requires you to personally contact the product and have a deep understanding of the product's materials, workmanship, functional characteristics, etc., in order to truly know it. .

3. "Listen" is to listen to the essence of the introduction

The operation of a brand clothing franchise company must have a very complete business plan, matched with relevant integrated marketing plans. The company's goals, values, business philosophy and customer-centered modern operating mechanism are all must be implemented in brand management activities. Among them, brand culture is the soul of brand management. It should be a distinctive, personalized and rich cultural activity. Effective expre ssion can make a brand more vital. When both the speaker and the listener are moved by the culture, the life of the brand has been born.

4. "Asking" means finding flaws

A mature brand operation plan must have been carried out internally for a long time research and demonstration, and relevant training has been conducted at all levels internally. Therefore, the company's internal operations have clear goals. When asked about people at different levels of the company, all the answers will be very consistent. If the answers are different, it means that there is a big problem with the operation of this clothing franchise brand. of.

5. "Observation" means looking for professionalism and norms

The establishment of a clothing franchise brand must be completed by professional people or institutions, therefore, it has a clear normative nature , such as the company's information, policies, file formats, the company's system and cultural content posted on the wall; the mental outlook, etiquette, words and deeds of the company's personnel; or it can be observed from the simplest business card, or the level of a phone call. Show the basic strength of the company's brand.

6. "Comparison" means shopping around

By comparing the many brand companies you have contacted, you will have a clear understanding: each company's strengths and weaknesses, and its strength Whether they are qualified or not, professional or non-professional, suitable or unsuitable, etc. will all allow franchisees to make an accurate judgment.

Finally, there is a special reminder. When choosing a partner, a clothing franchise company or a clothing franchise brand, it is more important to look at the pragmatism of the company and team. This is very important.

It determines whether the company can develop the market more objectively and respect the laws of the market to expand the market. In layman's terms, a brand's products must be easy to sell! The company needs profits, and the boss needs to make money! Easy to sell, Making money is the last word.

The above are the ideas for opening a clothing store franchise shared by Women's Clothing Network. Do you all know the few things you must do before joining brand clothing? I hope the above content will be helpful to everyone starting their own business.
