
1、How much does a community courier store charge for posting advertisements inside?

1. Community light box advertising

Community light box advertising is divided into access control light boxes and floor-standing light boxes, which are set at the access control gate and on both sides of the road in the community, with fixed exposure 24 hours a day. , advertising can form repeated exposures to the audience and enhance advertising memory. The approximate range of advertising space placement is: 500-5,000 yuan per month. For details, please visit Yibo.com.

2. Community access control barrier advertising

Residential access control barrier advertising consists of pedestrian access control and car entry and exit barriers. It is set at the gate of the community and is a must for residents of the community to enter and exit. Through the channel, the closed management of the community will make the audience stay in front of the advertising space for a certain period of time, which has a certain forced communication effect. The approximate price range for advertising space is: 1,000-2,000 yuan per month.

3. Residential elevator advertising

Close contact with the audience is the main feature of elevator advertising. The advertising space is charged according to the charging standard. The frame is placed on one side. The minimum placement period is one week. Screen advertising costs are calculated based on delivery time and cycle.

Advantages of community advertising

1. Close contact with consumers

The door openings of community unit buildings and elevator waiting halls are the core components of the community. It is a place where residents pass by and stay every day, so advertisements placed in the above locations make it impossible for the target audience to avoid it, truly achieving zero distance contact with consumers.

2. Accurate target and effective communication

Residents in the community who have consumption in common in many aspects will enter and leave the community more than twice a day.
