What procedures are required for the installation of double-sided column billboards?

本文目录一览一、How to modify the gas station pillar billboard
1. When replacing the billboard, two people are required.
2. First remove the top buckle, then put the advertising stand down, and take out the glass and the picture from the base.
3. Wear fingerprint-free gloves, replace the screen that needs to be replaced, and use thin double-sided tape to simply fix the screen on the top and bottom. Special care should be taken not to leave fingerprints.
4. Just put it back after the replacement is completed.

二、What are the pre cautions for designing anti-aircraft gun billboards and installation techniques?
Anti-aircraft gun billboards have been widely used in towns and villages, playing a role in promoting the city's brand image, building spiritual civilization, and allowing companies to display their own products etc. However, for some anti-aircraft artillery billboards, due to installation and non-standard construction, as well as age and disrepair, there are certain safety hazards, especially after strong winds. As a result, anti-aircraft artillery billboards have suffered serious damage to the point of falling, or even falling. Damage to human life and property poses a serious threat. Therefore, the review of the reliability of anti-aircraft gun billboards has become an important new topic. Honghai's three-sided anti-aircraft gun billboard production advantages create brand value for enterprises.
Things to note when installing the three-sided anti-aircraft gun billboard:
❶Single column hoisting. When hoisting a single column, attention should be paid to accurately aligning the wire with the wire to ensure that the wire is not bitten. When the drop hanging is in place, the thread closing and tightening should be carried out evenly and uniformly, and each thread nut should be closed tightly to ensure that the tightening thread is in place.
❷Hoisting of brand steel structure. When hoisting the steel structure of the card surface, attention should be paid to firm lifting points and even and parallel rise. Rise to a certain height and lower evenly to the slightly upper end of the column connection. Ground personnel will coordinate to align the connection points and lower the crane accurately. After the crane is in place, the ground staff will adjust the position of the anti-aircraft gun billboard. At the end of the fixed point, the welding personnel will board the upper end of the column to perform the welding operation. Make sure the welding is firm and remove the crane, and the welding worker reinforces the welding joint. Other staff members clean up the work site. Welding operation, site clearance, end. Completion review completed by billboard professional staff.
Anti-aircraft artillery billboards are generally double-sided or three-sided floor-standing billboards. Its main structure consists of three parts: a basic base, a single column (multi-column), and an upper steel structure frame system. Evaluate whether the three-part structure is safe. Necessary inspections must be conducted separately and compre hensive assessments must be conducted in accordance with necessary audit standards. The production and installation of anti-aircraft gun billboards are not arbitrary. They must be formulated and implemented in accordance with the specifications for outdoor advertising. Not only should safety issues be paid attention to during installation, but also the advertising effect should be paid attention to.

三、There is a highway near my home, and I would like to build an outdoor billboard in my farmland. Is this feasible? What procedures are required? Which departments will approve it?
Grade highways require road administration approval. Expre ssways require approval from the Expre ssway Management Team. The most important thing is that the urban management department also needs approval. If you think the location is good, you can contact a large advertising company and we can make joint profits. The double-sided cost of each 6*18 meter advertisement is about RMB 120,000 to RMB 150,000. A good location earns RMB 300,000 to RMB 5 million a year. A poor location earns RMB 70,000 to RMB 88,000. If the effect is very poor, no one will rent it
