
Who knows where the used book market and scrap collection station are in Deyang?
Go to Dongqiao, turn left and walk straight for 200 meters. The street is smaller on the left and more on the right. (Also: Deyang’s only flea market is also on the left.) There is also the Dog Market (100 meters away in the lane across the street from Yangyang Department Store No. 2), Deyang’s only antique collectibles market, and several used books. The scrap collection stations are concentrated at 2 points. 1. At the end of Xiwai Street (Nailan Road), there is a store (small and miscellaneous) 100 meters away. 50 meters ahead there is a professional metal recycling shop (it is almost useless). 50 meters ahead, turn right and you will see an alcohol advertisement. There is another brand store (the largest and most accurate in the city) that is divided into two places. The only other waste wood collection place is 200 meters away from the site across the railway. 2. Deshi Junction Railway. However, along the right side of the railway, it is the earliest such industry in the area. Several shops are concentrated and very compre hensive. However, there are too many scrap metal and recycled materials (recycling at the same time) at this point, so the price is excellent (but there are few opportunities. Nowadays, It is difficult to cooperate, so it is difficult to introduce in detail) In addition, many nitrogen fertilizer plants (the second headquarters) disappeared due to demolition, and a few in the north of the city (prices were so low that the personnel there went to Xiwai Street to handle the goods). The east side (across Jinghu Lake) is a newly developed area, so there is almost no such industry. I only know of one that is close to a mountain and has an uphill slope of more than 1,000 meters.
