How to install a small billboard at the door

How to install LED billboards
As a common outdoor billboard, LED graphic advertising screens are the brightest media equipment. They have the advantages of good stability, low consumption, and wide radiation range. It is the most suitable product for outdoor information dissemination. Basically, common LED displays include advertising screens, text screens, picture and text screens, etc., which are also the first choice for urban life and brightness. So what details should be paid attention to when building this kind of high-quality LED advertising outdoors? I believe these contents are the topics that everyone is most concerned about, especially for some technical construction workers. Knowing how to build and maintain outdoor advertising screens will effectively promote Business advertising and information dissemination. Specifically, the installation of outdoor billboard LED electronic display screens consists of four links: on-site survey, equipment construction, installation, and debugging. 1. On-site survey This refers to the installation of some outdoor LED displays, which should be uniformly tested based on the specific environment, topography, luminous radiation range, brightness acceptance and other parameters. In order to ensure the smooth installation of billboards, lifting installation is required. Before, a unified hoisting plan must be implemented for the commander to ensure that the equipment can be used normally and stably. 2. LED equipment construction When building some outdoor LED advertising screens, wall advertising screens, hanging advertising screens and rooftop advertising screens should be treated differently. During actual installation, cranes and winches should be used for segmented lifting according to the distance and height, while ensuring that the personnel above cooperate with each other. There is a better installation and use process for LED advertising screens that work at high altitudes. 3. Debugging of luminous radiation range Next, the specific radiation range needs to be tested. Due to different radiation ranges, the viewing angles of LED display screens are also different. The outdoor LED display fixed installation work must be carried out according to the on-site acceptance ability and everyone's usual viewing angle range. , ensuring that you can see normal, balanced brightness images and subtitle information from every angle. Fourth, follow-up inspection and maintenance. Follow-up inspection includes many areas, such as LED display waterproofing, heat dissipation layer, LED display waterproof coating, The rain-proof area above the display screen, the cooling air on both sides, the power supply line, etc. These basic parts and components constitute the entire graphic LED display screen with good stability. Later technical maintenance will require unified maintenance of these parts. Management and maintenance: when the product is rusty, unstable, or damaged, it needs to be replaced in time to ensure the safe use of the entire display. Generally speaking, outdoor advertising LED display screens use high-tech backplane heat dissipation and dot matrix light source lighting for unified management, which is more conducive to the use of display screens. These basic outdoor advertising screen installation steps also illustrate the installation of LED display screens. Mastering these important links will allow us to use the advertising display screen more smoothly and quickly, giving full play to its excellent characteristics of information dissemination.
